차민과 단아의 결혼이 코 앞으로 다가오고, 이를 막으려는 재림. 하지만 재림과 차민은 끝내 서로의 마음을 오해한다. 결국 재림은 청담헤븐을 관두게 되는데...
Jae-rim helps Cha-min have a heart-to-heart chat with his mother for the first time. As Dan-ah realises Cha-min's feelings for Jae-rim get deeper, she uses it as a threat and forces him to rush the wedding. Meanwhile, Do-hong asks Jae-rim to quit working at Chungdam Heaven and go to Berlin with him.
Cha-min will mit Jae-rim ausgehen, aber Dan-ah erfährt davon und droht damit, Jae-rim zu drangsalieren. Jae-rim wundert sich über Cha-mins verändertes Verhalten und will mit ihm sprechen. Doch der verletzt sie tief.
Chamin decide convidar Jaerim para sair, mas Dan-a descobre e ameaça assediar Jaerim. Jaerim fica chateada com a mudança repentina de Chamin e tenta sondar seus sentimentos, mas ele a machuca.