This fabulous period cult drama focused on Victorian adventurer Robert Baldick who battles supernatural forces across the country, travelling around in his private train, equipped with its own laboratory. Baldick has a pet owl called Cosmo and purchased his specially adapted train after the crown prince of Russia, for whom it was intended, pulled out of the deal. In this episode, which was intended to be a pilot for a series which never emerged (more’s the pity), Baldick is asked by the Reverend Peter Elmsted to investigate the murder of a young woman (one of many cases to have happened in the local area over the years), the locals are convinced her lover is to blame, Baldick becomes convinced that something more sinister is afoot.
Name | Type | Role | |
Terry Nation | Writer | ||
John Rhys-Davies | Guest Star | ||
Robert Hardy | Guest Star | ||
Julian Holloway | Guest Star |