Jin und seine Freunde sind weiterhin auf der Flucht und verstecken sich an einem überraschendem Ort. Allerdings ist Sieglinde nicht begeistert, als sie erfährt, wer noch anwesend ist.
Jin, Toa, and Gio's house is burned down by Agathions sent by the ISDA as Kō takes the trio to the Baumgard family's estate, where Sieglinde's father, Wilhelm, agrees to shelter them. Meanwhile, the ISDA continues their experimentations on dragons in order to figure out the best way to destroy Thanatos, while Laura, Sakaki's dragon counterpart, captures Itsuki and Otohime. Later, the ISDA realizes that their experimentations on artificial dragons caused them to develop an immunity to the "anti-Thanatos factor", however, it may still work on original dragons. Back at the Baumgard estate, as the group heads out, Whilhelm offers Sieglinde to stay with him, but she decides that she has somewhere else where she belongs, leaving with the others.