Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai

The story begins with a young boy named Dai remembering a story told to him by his adoptive grandfather, the monster magician Brass, about the defeat of the Demon King Hadlar by the hands of a hero known as Avan. After the defeat of the Demon King Hadlar, all of the monsters were released from his evil will and peace reigned supreme around the world once again for ten years. Some monsters and demons moved to the island of Delmurin to live in peace. Dai, the young protagonist of the series, is the only human living on the island. Having been raised by Brass and with his best friend, the monster Gome, Dai grows up dreaming of becoming a hero.

  • Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai (1991)
  • Dragon Quest: Dai's Great Adventure
  • Dragon Quest: Dai's Great Adventure (1991)
English français italiano 한국어 Português - Portugal español 日本語 Deutsch català العربية 大陆简体 euskara
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials July 1991 August 2019 7
Season 1 October 1991 September 1992 46
Unassigned Episodes 1
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 October 1991 September 1992 46
Unassigned Episodes 8
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 October 1991 September 1992 46
Unassigned Episodes 8

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