Son Goku, Vegeta und C 17 bekämpfen gemeinsam Jiren, ihre Attacken richten jedoch praktisch nichts aus. Als alle drei von Jiren zu Boden geschlagen wurden tritt Freezer wieder in Erscheinung, hält jedoch auch nicht sehr lange durch bevor er ebenfalls von Jiren besiegt wird. Um seinen Teamkameraden Zeit zu erkaufen, in der sie sich etwas erholen können, rafft sich C 17 auf und kämpft alleine gegen Jiren. Als dieser dann eine übermächtige Attacke losfeuert errichtet C 17 schützende Barrieren um seine Teamkameraden und kontert Jirens Attacke, indem er sich selbst zerstört.
Jiren powers up to his maximum. Goku, Vegeta, and Android 17 all attack him simultaneously, but he easily overpowers them. However, Android 17 manages to land a sneak attack and hurts Jiren. Jiren defeats Goku and Vegeta, while Frieza rejoins the fight and tries to kill Jiren in his golden form. However, Frieza is easily defeated as well and knocked out once again. Android 17 asks Jiren what his wish on the Super Dragon Balls would be. Belmod explains that Jiren's endless pursuit of strength was inspired when his parents, most of his comrades, and mentor were killed by a powerful villain. However, his abandonment by his surviving friends turned Jiren into a loner who distrusted friendship. Jiren now focuses solely on increasing his own strength. This allows Android 17 to figure out Jiren's wish, which is to resurrect his former master. Android 17 admires Jiren's human qualities, but he accuses Jiren of using the rest of his universe's team for his own ends.
Jiren est le seul adversaire restant. Il libère son Ki et dévoile enfin son véritable pouvoir. En dépit de ce Ki écrasant, Vegeta, Gokū et N°17 se dirigent vers Jiren !
Nonostante siano feriti dalla testa ai piedi, Goku e Vegeta del Settimo Universo continuano la loro battaglia contro Jiren [dell’Undicesimo Universo]. Tuttavia, i loro attacchi non hanno il benché minimo effetto contro il nemico e i due così non fanno altro che continuare ad affaticarsi. Sennonché, dopo esser rimasto in disparte a osservare il combattimento, N.17 del Settimo Universo si avvicina silenziosamente a Jiren.
A ação de vida ou morte de 17!!
O machucado 17 ajuda Goku e Vegeta conforme batalham Jiren. 17 usa uma estratégia perigosa para apoiar Goku e os outros contra o poder esmagador de Jiren!!
Luego de que Vegeta derrotase a Toppo, Jiren se queda como único representante del Universo 11, así que desplegará toda su fuerza para acabar con todos sus enemigos.
제11우주 전사 중에 혼자 남게 된 지렌. 오공과 베지터, 17호는 그런 지렌을 상대로 연계공격을 펼치며 대응하지만 고전을 면치 못한다. 그러다 오공과 베지터가 위험한 상황에 처하자 17호는 자신을 기꺼이 희생해서 두 사람을 지켜내는데..
Quando o passado e motivações de Jiren são revelados e o poder supremo do guerreiro do 11º Universo é desencadeado, o Androide Nº 17 decide que a sobrevivência do 7º Universo é mais importante que sua vida.