Obwohl Freezer in seiner goldenen Form klar stärker ist als Dyspo, kann er mit dessen Geschwindigkeit einfach nicht mithalten und gerät so ins Hintertreffen. Schließlich muss ihm Son Gohan zu Hilfe eilen, da er sonst aus dem Turnier eliminiert werden würde. Um Dyspos Geschwindigkeits-Vorteil auszuhebeln schließt Freezer Dyspo mit Son Gohan in einen Käfig aus sehr starken Energiestrahlen ein, in dem deren Bewegungsfreiheit sehr stark eingeschränkt ist. Dann geht ihm jedoch die Kraft aus, und der Käfig bricht zusammen. Kurzentschlossen klammert sich Son Gohan an Dyspo, und gibt Freezer so die Möglichkeit ihn zusammen mit Dyspo aus dem Ring zu werfen. In den letzten sechs Minuten des Turniers sind somit nur noch Son Goku, Vegeta, Freezer, C 17, Jiren und Toppo übrig.
As Goku and Vegeta continue fighting Jiren, Frieza breaks off his fight with Dyspo long enough to offer his services to the Eleventh Universe in return that they resurrect him with the Super Dragon Balls. When Dyspo refuses the offer, Frieza powers up to his Golden form and gains the advantage in the fight. Dyspo reveals his own ultimate technique known as the Super Maximum Light Speed Mode, which increases his power and speed even further, overwhelming Frieza enough that Gohan comes to his aid. Gohan and Frieza take on Dyspo as a team, but they have little success. Gohan develops a strategy that has Frieza use his energy to form a cage around Dyspo, which prevents him from using his high-speed attacks and allows Gohan to gain the upper hand.
Gokū et Vegeta s’allient et se dirigent face à Jiren, mais ce dernier n’encaisse presque aucune attaque. De plus, il semble que sa force de combat augmente. Au même moment, Gohan, de l’Univers 7, vient à la rescousse de Freeza dans son combat contre Dyspo.
Goku e Vegeta decidono di sfidare Jiren, ma nonostante combattano fianco a fianco, nessuno dei loro attacchi va a segno. Come se non bastasse, al contrario Jiren sembra aumentare progressivamente la sua forza combattiva. Nel frattempo, Gohan corre in aiuto di Freezer, che sta combattendo contro Dyspo dell’Undicesimo Universo.
Contra a estratégia de combate de altíssima velocidade de Dyspo, do 11º Universo, Son Gohan lança sua derradeira e máxima investida, a poucos minutos do fim do Torneio do Poder.
La aplastante velocidad de Dyspo acorrala a Freezer contra el borde del precipicio, pero Gohan acude en su ayuda. En un salto de fe, Gohan colabora con Frieza para vencer a Dyspo.
제7우주와 제11우주만 남은 가운데, 프리저는 디스포와의 싸움에서 위기에 처한다. 그때 프리저를 돕기 위해 오반이 달려오지만, 디스포의 압도적인 스피드에 밀려 고전을 면치 못한다. 그러자 오반은 자신을 희생하기로 결심하고, 디스포와 같이 경기장 밖으로 떨어져 탈락하는데...
Contra a estratégia de combate de altíssima velocidade de Dyspo, do 11º Universo, Son Gohan lança sua derradeira e máxima investida, a poucos minutos do fim do Torneio do Poder.
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