In seinem Ultra-Instinkt-Zustand reagiert Son Gokus Körper automatisch, ohne dass er vorher nachdenken muss, wodurch er extrem schnell reagieren kann. Allerdings hat er diese Form noch nicht vollständig gemeistert: Sein Körper weicht zwar allen Attacken Keflas automatisch aus, aber über seine eigenen Angriffe muss er dann doch kurz nachdenken, wodurch diese weniger effektiv sind. Schließlich bereitet er eine Kamehameha vor, während er per Ultra-Instinkt allen Attacken Keflas ausweicht und immer näher an sie herankommt. Mit dieser Kamehameha schafft er es dann, Kefla aus dem Ring zu befördern, wodurch das Team des sechsten Universums nur noch aus zwei Kämpfern besteht. Bis zum Ende des Turniers verbleiben noch 17 Minuten.
After Goku enters his Autonomous Ultra Instinct in response to her power, Kefla responds by powering up to Super Saiyan 2 but is unable land a hit on Goku while his attacks are not strong enough to take her down. As Jiren awakens from his mediation and rejoins Top and Dyspo, Whis explains that Goku's consciously attacking prevents from prevents him from using Autonomous Ultra Instinct at its full potential. Vegeta realizes that Autonomous Ultra Instinct was the lesson Whis was teaching him and Goku, determined to master it as well. Goku realizes that he is running low on stamina, deciding to quickly end the fight as he uses Autonomous Ultra Instinct to dodge Kefla's barrage of energy attacks while a Kamehameha. Despite Kefla's attempt to take him after he jumped midair, Goku uses the charged up energy to slide over Kefla's attack to launch a point-blank Kamehameha that blasts her off the field.
Aux limites de son combat contre Kafla, Gokū utilise la « maîtrise des mouvements instinctifs », que même les dieux ne peuvent atteindre si facilement. En voyant cela, Kafla s’en inspire pour gagner en puissance également lors de son combat contre Gokū.
Nel pieno dell’estrema battaglia contro Kefla, Goku riesce ad utilizzare un’altra volta l’Ultra Istinto, uno “stato” che nemmeno le divinità riescono facilmente a raggiungere. Tuttavia, Goku innesca così un nuovo potenziamento nel suo avversario, Kefla.
El combate puede dar un nuevo giro debido a que Goku vuelve a emplear el misterioso Ultra Instinto. ¿Podrá controlarla? ¿Será capaz de derrotar a Kefla con ese poder?
절체절명의 곳까지 몰린 곳에서 다시"멋대로의 비법"을 발동시키고 일어선 오공. 주위가 놀라면서 그러나 가하라는 꿋꿋하지 않는다. 강함을 더했다 오공을 기쁘게도 느끼고 그 힘을 넘는다고 오공에 도미카카루. 그리고 오공과 격돌할 때마다 가하라도 더욱 힘을 올린다. 우 무대를 분쇄하면서도 두 격투는 이어진다!!
O ki de Goku explode com o Instinto Superior durante o confronto com Kefla. Seu corpo se esquiva dos ataques adversários inconscientemente, preparando o terreno para um poderoso Kame Hame Ha!