To deal with the increasing violent crime rate in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo, a special investigation team is formed at the Shinjuku Police Station. Detective Shunsuke Yamashita and Detective Keiichi Tashiro begin work at the special investigation team. Detective Shunsuke Yamashita doesn't care about details and says what he thinks. Meanwhile, Detective Keiichi Tashiro is diligent and enthusiastic with his investigative work. The two men frequently argue, but also cooperate to solve the cases.
- Doubles 刑警二人组 Doubles Futari no Keiji
《Doubles 刑警二人組》由 伊藤英明、阪口憲二 主演的2013年日劇。故事以犯罪頻頻的新宿為舞台,該地除了都廳還有歌舞伎町等名勝,新宿中央署是全國最繁忙的地區,每天都面對殺人、強盜、強姦、綁架等案件。為此中央署成「刑事課特殊班」,通稱「0係」,選拔警視廳內的精英赴任,成為署長對外表現努力的姿態。 赴任的有山下俊介(伊藤英明),為人積極開朗,人情味及正義感豐富,但卻會為了自己的想法不惜和規則及建制對抗,常不理田代的阻止而進行違背上司命令的行動,讓二人經常起衝突。然而在他零碎記憶中曾經和田代見面,成為故事的一大伏線。另外田代啓一(坂口憲二)是個熱血刑警,雖然和帶點天真的山下常起紛爭,但實際上二人深深信賴,互相