When Ryosuke Takayama (Teruyuki Kagawa) was younger, he was taken under the wings of Oda, the leader of a criminal gang. Since then, Ryosuke Takayama was raised like a real son by Oda. Ryosuke Takayama then follows orders from Oda and becomes a detective. He rises through the police organization, while leaking information to Oda's gang. Following Oda's order, Ryosuke Takayama approaches Mari Suenaga (Yu Aoi), who is the daughter of a powerful politician. Meanwhile, Ryosuke begins to have disgust for his double life and wants to end his relationship with Oda.
Jun Moriya (Hidetoshi Nishijima) is an undercover police officer that has long infiltrated the criminal gang led by Oda. After many clashes with the gang and police, Jun Moriya wonders where his true loyalties lie. The only person that seems to understand him is Doctor Naoko (Emi Wakui).
Ryosuke Takayama then contacts to Jun Moriya, who he believes is an undercover cop. Ryosuke wants to work with Jun to get rid of his double life and start anew. The two men, with double faces, begin to fight for the meaning of their existences and their lives.
2002年公開の香港映画『インファナル・アフェア』をモチーフとした作品[1]。麻薬密売組織に潜入する捜査官と警察官に成りすまし組織に情報を流すスパイをそれぞれ主人公とし、警察と犯罪組織が繰り広げる攻防や二人の宿命的な出会いと闘いを描く。西島秀俊主演の前編『ダブルフェイス 潜入捜査編』(ダブルフェイス せんにゅうそうさへん)はTBSで「月曜ゴールデン特別企画」として2012年10月15日 21:00 - 22:54(JST)に、香川照之主演の後編『ダブルフェイス 偽装警察編』(ダブルフェイス ぎそうけいさつへん)はWOWOWで2012年10月27日 20:00 - 21:50(JST)に初放送され、のちにTBS・WOWOW両局で両編ともに再放送されている(詳細は放送時間の節を参照)。
폭력조직에 잠입 수사한 경찰과 엘리트 경찰관으로 잠입한 폭력조직 단원의 이야기. 홍콩 영화'무간도'를 리메이크한 드라마.
《DOUBLE FACE》是一部於2012年10月播出的日本SP影集,翻拍自香港著名電影《無間道》,由TBS和WOWOW共同製作的影集。本片由西島秀俊和香川照之分別擔當潛入黑社會和警察的臥底,由羽住英一郎執導,羽原大介擔當編劇。
本劇有兩個版本,TBS版為《DOUBLE FACE 潛入搜查篇》於2012年10月15日播出;WOWOW版為《DOUBLE FACE 偽裝警察篇》於2012年10月27日播出。