2112: The Birth of Doraemon (2112年 ドラえもん誕生) is a prequel Doraemon short film to the series about the life of Doraemon from birth, before coming to Nobita Nobi. The prequel shows the life of Doraemon before traveling to the 20th century: When he was made with partial malfunctions, how he lost his ears, and when he met the Nobi family and decides to return to the past to help Nobita. The original movie was made in order to understand the initial setup of the Doraemon manga series and 1979 / 2005 anime series and how it all began for Nobita.
This work incidentally is also a piece that appeared last back in the second generation hyperspace Time Machine, being a favorite for many years (or in relation to time made in the diary Genesis Simultaneous in the screening of second generation 3 CGI has been used).