Miraculously enough, Dong Kyung and Myul Mang recognize each other. However, it wasn’t long before fate knocked on their door, saying that it’s time for them to go. It’s impossible for Dong Kyung to accept the reality, but Myul Mang convinces her that everything happens for a reason. Meanwhile, Hyun Kyu informs Joo Ik of his decision to pave his own path.
Fatalidad y Dong‑kyung se prometen una vida juntos y aprovechan al máximo el tiempo que les queda.
Myeol-mang und Dong-gyeong wollen ihr Leben gemeinsam verbringen und machen das Beste aus der Zeit, die ihnen noch bleibt.
Myeol-mang e Dong-gyeong resolvem ficar juntos e aproveitar ao máximo o tempo que lhes resta.
بعد أن قطعا عهدًا على نفسيهما بقضاء حياتهما معًا، يستغل "ميول مانغ" و"دونغ كيونغ" وقتهما المتبقي في الحياة بكل الطرق الممكنة.