After having offered to take into the rectory a child involved in a custody battle between his parents, Don Matteo is attacked and ends up in the hospital. The priest gets better, but Cecchini is convinced he is on his death bed and starts making resolutions to Saint Anthony for the priest to get well.
Isä Matteon kimppuun käydään hänen autettuaan lasta, joka on keskellä huoltajuuskiistaa. Cecchini alkaa tehdä lupauksia pyhimykselle, jotta ystävä toipuisi. Myös Tommasi joutuu mukaan tahtomattaan.
Il bambino conteso: Don Matteo ospita in canonica un bambino conteso tra due genitori separati, quando viene aggredito e finisce in ospedale. I carabinieri, preoccupati per l’amico, sospettano subito del padre del bimbo.