Det tog bara ett dygn innan polisen pekade ut tre pojkar, bara 4, 5 och 6 år gamla, som skyldiga till ett mord. Eftersom de var barn kunde pojkarna inte straffas - så ärendet lades ner och prövades aldrig i domstol. När utredningen granskas, uppdagas flera brister i den tekniska undersökningen. Men enligt polisen ska pojkarna ha erkänt i förhören. Så vad hände - egentligen - i polisens förhörsrum?
It took only 24 hours for the police to identify three boys, aged just 4, 5 and 6, as guilty of a murder. Because they were children, the boys could not be convicted - so the case was closed and never tried in court. A review of the investigation revealed several shortcomings in the technical investigation. However, according to the police, the boys confessed in their interviews. So what really happened in the police interrogation room?