I serien følger vi 21-årige Asta, som flytter midlertidigt fra København hjem til sine forældre i Odsherred og her skal få en hverdag til at fungere i et miljø, som hun ellers for længst havde vendt ryggen.
Her bliver hun konfronteret med sine egne fordomme, og hun bliver tvunget til for alvor at se sig selv i øjnene helt uden Instagram-filter.
It is a young-adult series, about growing apart from family, lover and friends, and towards them again. About the fight for being something, and become something, but especially about standing at the edge and discover that you forgot to be someone. About the fear of feeling indifferent, and the need to belong somewhere. We follow 21-year-old Asta, who "temporarily" returns to her parents' home in the countryside, after living in Copenhagen. That means a reunion, but also a whole new meeting, with family and friends, both new as well as old. The "hillbilly"s shows up in her life again and confronts the prejudices. The meeting with her hometown turns Asta's relationship with herself, her family, friends and especially love upside down. It forces her to take responsibility and challenges her to discover who and what is hiding behind the Instagram filter.
Sur les réseaux sociaux, Asta s'évertue à donner l'image d'une fille parfaite à la vie formidable. Mais dans la réalité, elle vit chichement et a besoin d'argent pour continuer à vivre à Copenhague et éviter de retourner vivre chez ses parents.
Una serie con jóvenes que buscan crecer lejos de la familia, con los amantes y los amigos, y luego volver con la familia nuevamente. Es acerca de la lucha por ser alguien, y convertirte en alguien, pero especialmente acerca de estar en el borde y descubrir que te olvidaste de ser alguien. Sobre el miedo a sentirse indiferente, y la necesidad de pertenecer a algún lugar.