All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Roots of an American Prophet

    Learn of Joseph Smith's ancestry and observe the early life and conditions of the Smith family. From the meeting of Lucy Mack and Joseph Sr., in Tunbridge, Vermont, to the roots of their early family life in Sharon, Vermont, and Palmyra, New York, you will relive the important events of the Smith family and the early years of Joseph. Watch as Joseph grows physically and spiritually stronger in preparation of the great events yet to come.

  • S01E02 The Heavens are Opened

    This stirring production will greatly enhance your testimony of Joseph Smith's vision of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Visit Palmyra, New York and the Hill Cumorah to gain a better understanding of the Smith Family's faith and trials as they learn about the Golden Plates. Experience Joseph's great calling through heavenly visits from the angel Moroni. Finally, rejoice as Joseph receives the plates and the great work of the translation and events of the Restoration begin.

  • S01E03 New York: The Church Restored

    Walk along the banks of the Susquehanna River, where the priesthood was restored by John the Baptist. Watch as Joseph and Oliver translate the Book of Mormon and visit the Grandin building where the first Book of Mormon was printed. Enter the home of Peter Whitmer Sr. and feel the spirit of the solemn occasion where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized in 1830.

  • S01E04 Kirtland: The Spirit of God

    During the seven-year period of persecution and poverty, the Church builds its first temple, while many great leaders join the Church. A mob drags Joseph from his home and covers him with hot tar and feathers. These events lead to the organization of the Kirtland Safety Society, Zion's Camp, and the eventual withdrawal of the Saints from Ohio.

  • S01E05 Missouri: Zion Revealed

    In 1831 the Saints arrived in Missouri full of hope for peace and a desire to establish Zion. Contentions from within, and mob persecutions from without conspired against them until they finally left the state in 1839. During these years of trial, the Church grew, faith increased, and important principles were revealed. Yet, the establishment of Zion was never realized and the Saints were forced to move to Illinois in search of their dreams.

  • S01E06 England: The Field is White

    Travel to Great Britain, with the early Apostles, where you'll hear touching conversion stories. Visit the cities and towns that produced an abundant harvest of souls, adding new life to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during a period of grave persecution in America.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Nauvoo: The City of Joseph

    From the swampy banks of the Mississippi, the majestic City of Joseph rose and the Saints once again tried to worship in peace and build a temple to their God. Yet, as missionaries went abroad and converts flocked to Nauvoo by the thousands, the enemies of the church grew restless. Learn of the events that led up to the brutal murder of the Prophet Joseph and follow the Saints' faith-building experiences as they struggled with the question of succession.

  • S02E02 The Trek West

    Witness the inspiring and exciting saga of the Mormon pioneers and their 1,000 mile exodus across the rough and unforgiving wilderness of the American West. You'll be transported to life on the Mormon Trail as you learn rare stories and facts that will make this unforgettable part of history more meaningful.

  • S02E03 The Mormon Battalion

    With great sacrifice, the Saints courageously formed the Mormon Battalion, and mustered support for the United States in the war with Mexico. Follow their trials as they make their way to San Diego, help in the discovery of California gold, and blaze a new wagon road across the Sierra Nevadas. Woven amid this often forgotten chapter of history is the story of Melissa Burton Coray–one of few women who made this 3,000 mile journey.

  • S02E04 The Handcart Pioneers

    Many Saints crossed the American plains with only what could be carried in a handcart. They faced incredible trials and left a powerful legacy that lasts even until today. Witness the challenges of hundreds of European families who, without covered wagons and oxen, embarked on a dangerous trek that led them to join the fellowship of Saints already settled in the Salt Lake valley.

  • S02E05 Ensign Unto All People

    From their struggle for survival to the struggle for Statehood, the Saints were not without trials, but Joseph Smith foretold "no unhallowed hand" would restrain the growth of their fledgling Church. Raising its standard with glorious temples and a global missionary effort, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has truly become an ensign unto all people.

  • S02E06 A Legacy of Faith

    The vital missionary program to spread the Gospel began early in the Church, and has continued unfettered until today–blossoming into a global community of Latter-day Saints. Missionary stories from New Zealand, England, Africa, Mexico, South America, and Japan will strengthen the testimony of anyone remembering their own conversion.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Visit Nauvoo

    Gathering to an uninhabitable swampland, the Saints built a beautiful city in just seven years called, Nauvoo, the "Jewel of the Mississippi." Walk the streets of Old Nauvoo as you visit the beautiful homes of Heber C. Kimball, Brigham Young and Wilford Woodruff. Learn more of their faith and sacrifice to build the kingdom of God. Stroll through the Prophet Joseph's Red Brick Store and the Mansion House, where Joseph and Emma often slept on the floor to accommodate their guests. Contemplate the determination of the Saints to build a temple to their God as you see the reconstructed temple rising majestically above the city. Whether you've never visited Nauvoo or want to forever cherish your memories of Nauvoo, this DVD is a must for every family.