London 1883, plagued by mysteries and lies, a dark Doctor is about to be discovered by Scotland Yard. Left on the street to rot, the Doctor finds himself with a young man named Barry, each with no memories of their last actions. With deaths being reported, and sightings of a man with no face, the Doctor will have to pull himself together to keep humanity safe.
In the aftermath of 'Broken Memories' - the Doctor and Barry have travelled the Universe and seen things beyond imagination, however now something else has caught the Doctor's attention. The death of a young girl named Belle McLeish with no obvious cause of death. The Doctor is determined to solve the puzzle and understand what happened to her. The events that are to be projected come directly from the Doctor's brain. His own recollection of the events, what he actually remembers of it. Watch in awe as you see the world through the eyes of a Time Lord. His wants, his needs and his obsessions...
The Doctor promises to take Emily to the 19th Century. Instead, they land in the year 2014. The Doctor and Emily make an unexpected discovery in a graveyard which takes them to a bubble reality on the edge of time. There he discovers a Victorian couple, a monster and a strange building.