민국은 VIP 환자를 수술하려 하지만 마취과인 심혜진의 강력한 반대에 부딪힌다.
도윤완은 돌담병원을 찾아와 민국과 김사부를 자극한다.
한편, 김사부는 수술실에 들어가려는 은재에게 비밀을 털어놓는데..
Park Min Guk tries to operate his VIP patient but Dr. Shim strongly goes against him. And Ho Jun is stuck in between them. Woo Jin keeps bothering Park Min Guk and his team with emergency patients and finally gets to operate once again. Woo Jin is taken by the loan sharks and he sees Hyun Jun. Hyun Jun threatens him to sign a contract.
Eun-jae panique quand elle se retrouve à court du médicament prescrit par le professeur Kim avant d'opérer. Woo-jin est contraint de quitter l'hôpital Doldam.
Eun-jae gerät in Panik, als ihr vor einer Operation die Medizin von Kim ausgeht. U-jin wird gezwungen, Doldam Hospital zu verlassen.