Wyrd Sisters, the 6-episode television animated fantasy-comedy series closely follows the plot of the novel, which features three witches: Granny Weatherwax; Nanny Ogg, matriarch of a large tribe of Oggs, who owns the most evil cat in the world, (Greebo); and Magrat Garlick, the junior witch, who firmly believes in occult jewellery, even though none of it works.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S02E01 | Wyrd Sisters 1 of 6 |
May 18, 1997
Channel 4
30 | |
S02E02 | Wyrd Sisters 2 of 6 |
May 25, 1997
Channel 4
30 | |
S02E03 | Wyrd Sisters 3 of 6 |
June 1, 1997
Channel 4
30 | |
S02E04 | Wyrd Sisters 4 of 6 |
June 8, 1997
Channel 4
30 | |
S02E05 | Wyrd Sisters 5 of 6 |
June 15, 1997
Channel 4
30 | |
S02E06 |
Wyrd Sisters 6 of 6
season finale
June 22, 1997
Channel 4
30 |