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Season 1

  • S01E01 Secret Origin of Humanity with Graham Hancock

    • February 9, 2015
    • Gaia

    The model used for dating the origin of human civilization is bound to the presupposition that human history has progressed in a linear fashion from the time of tribal hunter-gatherers. As established institutions hold firm to this view, evidence contradicting the accepted model continues to grow. This data is difficult to collect and is immediately discredited by the “credible” scientific community. In this inaugural episode, Graham Hancock discloses his evidence that suggests cataclysmic events brought a dramatic end to an advanced human civilization which predates recorded history by thousands of years in this presentation originally webcast February 9, 2015. Graham Hancock is the author of the international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods and Heaven's Mirror. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances have put his ideas before audiences of millions. He is recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past. Although best known for his non-fiction writings his most recent books are novels: Entangled: The Eater of Souls, War God: Nights of the Witch and War God: Return of the Plumed Serpent.

  • S01E02 The Sacred Science of Ancient Egypt

    • February 19, 2015
    • Gaia

    From Cosmology to Architecture, Ancient Egypt was the most advanced civilization on the planet, for its time. But, if we only acknowledge these tangible accomplishments, we ignore the greatest wisdom to be gleaned from this highly spiritual culture. John Anthony West expounds upon the research of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz which documents many of Ancient Egypt’s great accomplishments within the context of sacred sciences in this presentation originally webcast February 19, 2015. John Anthony West is the author of The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, and The Case for Astrology. He won an EMMY Award for his 1993 NBC Special Documentary hosted by Charlton Heston, The Mystery of the Sphinx. John lectures extensively on Egypt and personally leads several in-depth study tours to Egypt every year.

  • S01E03 Mysteries of Giza with Robert Bauval

    • February 26, 2015
    • Gaia

    The ancient architects of the Giza Plateau kept one eye turned toward the heavens as they embedded celestial secrets into every aspect of their constructions. Though these antiquities have been studied for centuries, many of the ancient mysteries remain hidden. Robert Bauval discusses his ongoing work of uncovering the lost secrets of Giza which has culminated in the Orion Correlation theory and the ongoing search for the legendary Hall of Records buried underneath the sphinx in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast February 26, 2015.

  • S01E04 Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods with Andrew Collins

    • March 5, 2015
    • Gaia

    Ancient texts, such as the Book of Enoch, suggest that human civilization originated far earlier than mainstream archeologists will acknowledge. With the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, the walls of resistance to such notions are beginning to collapse. Now, theological accounts of our origins are being viewed in a new light by historians and archeologists alike. Andrew Collins describes these early times, when gods brought the art and science of Heaven, to Earth and built the first human civilizations in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast March 5, 2015.

  • S01E05 Technology of the Gods with Graham Hancock

    • March 12, 2015
    • Gaia

    As we have all grown so accustomed to the mechanized technology of our modern era, it is very difficult for us to imagine technology in any other form. This is the primary difficulty in discerning the methodology used for constructing great megalithic structures in a time when human beings are purported to have only been simple hunter-gatherers. Graham Hancock explains the basis and various uses of ancient advanced technologies in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast March 12, 2015.

  • S01E06 “Atlantis” and the Enduring Destiny of Humanity with John Anthony West

    • March 19, 2015
    • Gaia

    Dating the origin of Ancient Egypt is still a highly debated topic within academic circles. However, newly discovered information from Gobekli Tepe, Gunung Padang and other ancient sites may present irrefutable evidence that advanced civilizations existed long before these megaliths where constructed. John Anthony West offers evidence which may prove that a global “Atlantis” once existed and that its downfall spawned the enduring destiny of humanity in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast March 19, 2015.

  • S01E07 Quest for the Truth on Giza with Robert Bauval

    • March 26, 2015
    • Gaia

    erhaps the greatest problem with academia is their adamant adherence to accepted truths. Eccentric theories and evidence contradicting conventional convictions are often dismissed with great disdain. Sometimes, the truth behind such discredited information is glaringly obvious to the rest of the world. Robert Bauval, who has endured such attacks, discloses his theories concerning the Giza Plateau and how mainstream Egyptologists have attempted to discredit his findings in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast March 26, 2015.

  • S01E08 The Watchers with Andrew Collins

    • April 2, 2015
    • Gaia

    The creation mythoi of ancient cultures tend to attribute their origins to some external source of advanced knowledge. Quite often, this is interpreted to be gods or some other form of extraterrestrial intellect. However, there are those who feel that this external source may be of a terrestrial origin. Andrew Collins provides an alternate assessment of an advanced hybrid hominid species, which was displaced by cataclysmic events, and may have been the progenitors of civilization as we know it in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast April 2, 2015.

  • S01E09 Shamanism and Ancient Architecture with Graham Hancock

    • April 9, 2015
    • Gaia

    Similarities of the pyramids found in South America and Egypt may cause one to wonder if both cultures bear a common cause. We do know that many ancient cultures had shamanic traditions with a long history of contact with non-physical beings. Could it be that the same entities that gave rise to the megaliths of Giza also inspired the architecture of other ancient cultures? Graham Hancock explores the shamanic connection between consciousness and sacred architecture in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast April 9, 2015.

  • S01E10 Esoteric Science of the Dogon with Laird Scranton

    • April 16, 2015
    • Gaia

    The Dogon tribe in Mali appears to be a primitive indigenous culture that has not yet developed a written language. However, a deeper inspection of their symbolic language reveals something unexpected. This aboriginal culture has a level of cosmological and scientific sophistication that rivals our own modern understanding. Laird Scranton reveals the esoteric tradition of the Dogon people, which may have originated from the same non-physical entities that inspired ancient Egypt in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast April 16, 2015.

  • S01E11 History of Metaphysical Rule with Graham Hancock

    • April 23, 2015
    • Gaia

    Studying the artwork and mythology of ancient cultures, one notion becomes omnipresent: metaphysical entities play a key role in shaping our history. Contact with these beings is made though sacred rituals that induce altered states of consciousness, sometimes with mind-altering substances. With some, this contact is unintentional and uninvited. Graham Hancock reveals the secret connection between powerful leaders and metaphysical entities that can ensnare vast swaths of the population into controlling regimes or perpetuate our collective ascension in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast April 23, 2015.

  • S01E12 The Dogon, Egypt and Buddhism with Laird Scranton

    • April 30, 2015
    • Gaia

    Language and symbolism are two ways that esoteric traditions can be passed down from generation to generation and from culture to culture. Sometimes, these traditions attribute their teachings to contact with non-material beings. Such is the case with the Dogon people, whose symbolic language and esoteric traditions share startling similar traits with Tibetan Buddhism and Ancient Egypt. Laird Scranton shares his hotly contested theories concerning hieroglyphic languages, the esoteric teachings of the Dogon, and the ancient connections that our civilizations still have with non-material entities in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast April 30, 2015.

  • S01E13 DMT and the Ark of the Covenant with Graham Hancock

    • May 7, 2015
    • Gaia

    Could it be that DMT-laden plants enabled Moses’ communication with multi-dimensional beings who transmitted plans for the Ark of the Covenant? And what of the mysterious Temple of Osiris rumored to reside beneath the paw of the Sphinx? Who built it, when and why? Graham Hancock defies the demands of the academic circles to abandon these concepts and tackles some of the most challenging questions concerning the inspiration of technology in Ancient Egypt in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast May 7, 2015.

  • S01E14 Giza and the Age of Leo with Graham Hancock

    • May 14, 2015
    • Gaia

    Despite repeated attacks from respected Egyptologists, Robert Bauval’s Orion Correlation theory has withstood years of criticism and scrutiny. His insights may actually be the key to unraveling the biggest mysteries of the Giza plateau. It all starts by understanding the ancient astronomical inspiration for the placement of the pyramids and the Sphinx. Graham Hancock continues to challenge orthodox history by expanding upon the Orion Correlation theory in order to reveal the hidden message about Giza and the Age of Leo in this interview with David Wilcock originally webcast May 14, 2015

Season 2

  • S02E01 Fear as a Business Model

    • May 25, 2015
    • Gaia

    There are only a few individuals and organizations that have positioned themselves to be in control of all worldly affairs. They rely upon manufactured situations of fear and helplessness to preserve their dominion over a population that remains clueless about their true potential. David Wilcock reveals how fear is used as a business model and exposes what the power elite are most afraid of you discovering about yourself in this presentation originally webcast June 25, 2015.

  • S02E02 The Illusion of Hope with G. Edward Griffin

    • June 2, 2015
    • Gaia

    New organizations in the 20th century brought hope of conquering two of humanity’s greatest banes. The United Nations was established with the intention to restore law and order to populations besieged by the ravages of war. The pharmaceutical industry brought light to the darkness cast by cancer and many other devastating diseases. But all is not as it seems. Edward G. Griffin reveals that the machinations of the U.N. and the pharmaceutical industry actually perpetuate the problems they promised to prevent in this presentation originally webcast July 2, 2015.

  • S02E03 Revealing the Long Lineage of Jesuit Power with Dean Garner

    • June 9, 2015
    • Gaia

    In 1540, Ignatius of Loyola received Pope Paul III’s blessing to form a new religious institution that became known as the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits. Through the centuries, their influence spread throughout the world, bringing with it education and religion as well as various intellectual and artistic pursuits. However, an intricate examination into the details of their long history may reveal a malevolence lurking beneath a benevolent façade. Dean Garner reveals the fruit of his research that ties the Jesuits to a long line of power which may be thousands of years old in this presentation originally webcast July 9, 2015.

  • S02E04 Exposing the Federal Reserve with G. Edward Griffin

    • June 16, 2015
    • Gaia

    In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act essentially outsourced the U.S. currency to a consortium of private bankers. Thus began the process of converting the value of the U.S. dollar from the gold standard to the arbitrary values of fiat money. We are now beholden to a system which puts control of a limitless economy into the hands of a few powerful individuals. Edward G. Griffin discloses the intricate machinations that led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve and how central banks work together to hold on to their power in this presentation originally webcast July 16, 2015.

  • S02E05 Four Stages of Conquest with William Dean Garner

    • June 23, 2015
    • Gaia

    Shortly after the inception of the Jesuit order, their power and influence began to spread throughout the known world. On the surface, their actions seemed to stem from charity, promoting the common good for all. But a deeper investigation reveals there may have been an ulterior motivation behind their meticulous maneuverings. Dean Garner reveals the formulaic four-step process he claims the Jesuits use when they seek to take control over countries and cultures in this interview with David Wilcock, originally webcast July 23, 2015.

  • S02E06 Transcending Collectivism with G. Edward Griffin

    • June 30, 2015
    • Gaia

    In these modern times, established economic and banking systems have become such an omnipresent part of our lives that we could never imagine our world without them. Meanwhile, our attention is drawn into taking sides in the ever-raging battle between rival political factions. Never do we realize that these power games played out before us only benefit the secret cartels that run them. G. Edward Griffin strips away these masks of collectivism that only serve to detract our attention away from the real game that the power elite are playing in this interview with David Wilcock, originally webcast July 30, 2015.

  • S02E07 Exposing the Vulnerability of the Cabal with William Dean Garner

    • August 6, 2015
    • Gaia

    Dean Garner unfolds the deepest secrets behind the establishment of the Federal Reserve and exposes the vulnerability of its power holders. Expanding upon the implications of the four parts of conquest, Garner explains how the Federal Reserve was finally enacted. This grand scheme was a tapestry woven with many common threads; threads spun from a single source that is now at its most vulnerable. As we dawn upon the renaissance of humanity, we can recover our collective power taken from us by this singular source. In this interview with David Wilcock that was originally webcast August 6, 2015.

  • S02E08 Reclaiming our Authority with G. Edward Griffin

    • August 13, 2015
    • Gaia

    G. Edward Griffith details how the illusions of authority can be broken by enacting many different strategies which would enable us to reclaim our own authority over life and liberty. He reveals that the Cabal is not undefeatable. In fact, they are vulnerable at many points. Through media, education and cultural conditioning we have been led to believe that we must trust in the higher authorities for our livelihood. But this could not be further from the truth. Collectively, humanity is the true source of its own power. We must learn to free ourselves from the illusions of powerlessness thrust upon us. In this interview with David Wilcock that was originally webcast August 13, 2015.

  • S02E09 The Big Picture

    • August 20, 2015
    • Gaia

    In the conclusion to season 2, David Wilcock weaves together the essential fragments that led to the rise of the cabal and how we can excel beyond their control. He explains that humanity stands upon the precipice of a new era and our progress depends upon the willingness to become more compassionate and loving to others. Awareness of the big picture includes understanding the power dynamics here on Earth, the extraterrestrial sources which influence them and the higher spiritual dimensions that unite us all. This presentation was originally webcast August 20, 2015.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Introducing Morphic Field Theory with Rupert Sheldrake

    • July 10, 2017
    • Gaia

    Rupert Sheldrake invites you to take an entirely new look at our consciousness and the universe we live in. His research has uncovered a field of conscious-like energy which emanates from all living beings and permeates throughout everything in our universe. It has the ability to transmit information and alter the material world. Laboratory tests have proven the effects of the morphic field, showing us the creative potential of human consciousness. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 10 books including Science Set Free. He worked in developmental biology at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Clare College. His theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance leads to a vision of a living universe with its own inherent memory.

  • S03E02 Morphic Fields: From Consciousness to Material Sciences with Rupert Sheldrake

    • July 17, 2017
    • Gaia

    Rupert Sheldrake takes us deeper into morphic field theory by describing many of the effects this field has on learning and creating new materials in a laboratory. Once this notion of a field connecting all things was introduced into scientific thinking, laboratory testing began in earnest. Results have shown us that there is an unseen connection between all minds within a species which assists in the learning process. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast July 17, 2017.

  • S03E03 Morphic Fields and the Brain with Rupert Sheldrake

    • July 24, 2017
    • Gaia

    Standard models of the brain being the end-all-be-all of human consciousness fall away as we deepen our understanding of morphic resonance. Rupert Sheldrake explains the role of the brain as a receptor of consciousness, not the creator. We see this as we look to cases where certain individuals have very little brain matter, but still have full mental functioning. Much of what has been accepted as standard scientific thinking is being reworked as morphic field theory continuously proves itself in scientific settings.

  • S03E04 Awakening Our Collective Consciousness with Sperry Andrews

    • July 31, 2017
    • Gaia

    The greatest power of humanity will be realized when we come together as a single collective consciousness, and as Sperry Andrews explains, this is something the global elite fear the most. Their most powerful tool is our commercial culture, which keeps us vulnerable to fear and trauma, lulling us into a false sense of separateness. It is important to note, that the struggles of the individual mind are reflected throughout the collective. When we learn to connect the heart and mind, we access deeper parts of the mind as a species, and awaken our collective consciousness. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast July 31, 2017.

  • S03E05 Co-Creating a New Reality with Sperry Andrews

    • August 7, 2017
    • Gaia

    Before we can effectively connect in collective awareness, Sperry Andrews explains that we must learn to integrate the darker parts of our psyche into the whole. As we do this, humanity will learn how to bring even the most evil of people into our shared mind, with compassion. We must remember that everything in existence is a part of consciousness, and we need to learn to consciously attend to every aspect of the universe. As the collective of humanity sleeps, it is still co-creating our reality. Awakening the whole of human consciousness, with every aspect, allows us to consciously co-create a new reality for all. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast August 7, 2017.

  • S03E06 Holding Our Future Hostage

    • August 14, 2017
    • Gaia

    Richard Dolan discusses the fruits of his poring through evidence hidden within a plethora of government documents, trying to get to the core of disclosure. Although the official stance is that nothing noteworthy is happening, the document trail suggests that there is a high-level concern over UFO sightings and crashes. This becomes apparent, after the Roswell crash, as over 5,000 patents have been classified due to concerns for national security. What comes of the discussion is far graver than the secrets being kept. We find that the classified world has been holding our future hostage. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast August 14, 2017.

  • S03E07 UFOs: Breaking the Mainstream Illusion with Richard Dolan

    • August 21, 2017
    • Gaia

    Richard Dolan explains the upside-down reality we live in as mainstream media feeds us an illusion of the world that we think we live in. Meanwhile an abundance of UFO encounters and phenomenal events are happening all around us. Many people believe only what they are told to believe, rather than their own personal experiences. He explains, that no matter the mass effort, a moment of disclosure is just on the horizon when an event will trigger a reconfiguring of our political and social structure. Then, the reality of our world will no longer be denied. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast August 21, 2017.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Advanced Technology Training Part 1

    • September 24, 2018
    • Gaia

    Recognized as a genius at a young age, Pete Peterson was enrolled in an advanced technology training program known as the White Star Ranch. This multidisciplinary education placed him in the laboratories of some of the greatest minds on earth at the time, including many Nobel Prize winners. Some of the people he collaborated with in his training group went on to be well-known leaders of industry.

  • S04E02 Advanced Technology Training Part 2

    • October 1, 2018
    • Gaia

    Pete Peterson continues the discussion of luminaries he worked with through his time with the advanced technology training in the White Star Ranch program. He reveals the names of many of the mentors he worked with and the technological advances that they were making. He explains that much of technology in the classified world is 25 years ahead of what is available to the rest of the world. However, some of the things he encountered have not been made available to the public, yet.

  • S04E03 Spoon Bending and Psychic Abilities

    • October 8, 2018
    • Gaia

    Have you ever tried to bend a spoon with your mind? Pete Peterson divulges the secret to bending a spoon and the subtle agreements we must make for this to happen. Each one of us has the innate ability to tap into the non-local nature of our reality and influence objects at a perceived distance. This is the basis of telekinesis. From laboratory testing to spoon bending parties, these abilities have garnered the attention of certain organizations, including various military defense departments.

  • S04E04 From Microchips to the Cybernetic Revolution

    • October 15, 2018
    • Gaia

    Full Series Pete Peterson shares with us what we can expect in the coming cybernetic revolution as computers become integrated with human beings and advanced A.I. emerges. There is no doubt that the invention of the computer microchip has changed the course of human evolution, and Pete Peterson was an integral part of this technological revolution. He was there when the first chips were developed for computers and was instrumental in the advancement of these miniature processors. From this vantage point, he gives us his vision of the world to come.

  • S04E05 Stolen Knowledge on the Informational Field

    • October 22, 2018
    • Gaia

    The true mathematics of the universe, hidden from humanity for centuries, is about to be known. Pete Peterson introduces us to his theory on the Informational Field and the scalar wave technology, called Radionics, which makes full use of it. A deeper understanding of this theory came to him as he was granted access to forbidden texts from the Vatican library. What he learned gives us a new view on the Tower of Babel tale and a revolutionary understanding to mathematics, geometry and physics.

  • S04E06 The Power of 3, 6, 9

    • November 26, 2018
    • Gaia

    Understanding the power of 3,6 and 9 is a bridge that opens our potential for advanced abilities which can lead us to interacting with extraterrestrials. Pete Peterson reveals more secrets from his Informational Field Theory as we explore the base-three geometrical nature of our universe that is expressed as body-mind-spirit, or volts-amps-resistance. The science behind this is already developing equipment that provides stunningly accurate diagnoses. In addition, this Info-field science is becoming a bridge that opens our potential for advanced abilities which can lead us to interacting with extraterrestrials, on a common basis.

  • S04E07 Radionic Technology for Healing

    • December 3, 2018
    • Gaia

    We hear so much about the importance of frequency and being in a high-frequency state, but what does all of that mean? Pete Peterson delves deeper into the science underlying Radionic technology which can measure different frequencies of the human body. Once dialed in with the right “rates,” one’s frequencies can be tuned into higher states of health and wellbeing. He explains that some of these discoveries fly in the face of established science, but the results speak for themselves.

  • S04E08 Healers in the Infofield

    • December 10, 2018
    • Gaia

    Pete Peterson concludes the discussion of his theory on the Informational Field and its application through Radionics. What we learn is the power of human consciousness to perceive the imperceptible and achieve miraculous healings. It all comes down to our belief systems, which can restrict or enable one to perform what is considered to be super-human abilities. This becomes apparent when we look to the seemingly impossible feats of fakirs, faith healers and psychic surgeons.

  • S04E09 Electrifying Meridian Point Technology

    • December 17, 2018
    • Gaia

    Stimulating meridian points on the body is a proven alternative healing modality and has been approved by the FDA. With nearly 40 years of study into this ancient practice, paired with his cutting-edge technological research, Pete Peterson is unlocking advanced human potential that the ancient acupuncture masters seemed to have an intuitive knowledge of. What he has found highlights electrically active points on the skin, which stimulates healing in the organs and can provide the ability to properly administer homeopathic remedies.

  • S04E10 The Dolphin Connection

    • December 24, 2018
    • Gaia

    Is there a connection between dolphins and aliens? Pete Peterson explains that we can form telepathic connections with dolphins and some extraterrestrial species are doing just that. He discloses the research he was a part of, which concerned exploring the link between dolphins and humans. He explains that human may have initially evolved as aquatic creatures that formed early connections with friendly cetacean species. Building upon this deep connection, he reveals that some extraterrestrial species are capable of communicating with and through dolphins.

Season 5

  • S05E01 Unacknowledged Special Access Projects

    • January 1, 2019
    • Gaia

    Dr. Steven Greer offers an alternate explanation to the fabled deep state, as unacknowledged special access projects which are buried deep within an architecture of secrecy.

  • S05E02 Who Controls Suppressed Technology?

    • January 1, 2019
    • Gaia

    Clandestine programs are making technological advancements that could be the salvation of humanity or plunge us into decades of war.

  • S05E03 Pathway to Disclosure

    • January 21, 2019
    • Gaia

    Many military personnel are desperate for disclosure. However, the architecture of secrecy has tied their hands and they face serious repercussion should they reveal what they know. To help enact a pathway to disclosure, Dr. Steven Greer has implemented a process which protects anyone coming forward to reveal information concerning Unacknowledged Special Access Projects. He explains that it takes courage to not succumb to the threats, and integrity to not be seduced by the temptations offered by those who want to keep the public in the dark.

  • S05E04 False Flag Alien Attacks

    • January 28, 2019
    • Gaia

    Steven Greer reveals the technology and tactics used to create events that appear to be aliens or UFOs but are highly sophisticated false-flag events. This can include staging scenarios that appear to be UFO crash landings, alien abductions, strange implants or psychic attacks. Even more sinister are the agendas underlying these stagecraft tactics by those who would gain from prolonged interplanetary warfare. To unravel their plans, it will take an understanding how counterintelligence operates and a deep dive into the technology that they use. This information is vital for us to understand, if we are to evade these machinations of mass control through fear.

  • S05E05 Architecture of Secrecy

    • February 4, 2019
    • Gaia

    Steven Greer reveals two different scenarios of disclosure, both of which would transform life on our planet. We need to be informed of these two potential routes, so that we know how to deal with them as they become present. This is because, if certain forces have their way, disclosure will come at the price of interplanetary war. In either case, the route will not involve a direct revelation of the alien presence. Rather, we will come to this understanding, by degrees. Ideally, this will take place diplomatically, with the release of technology, later.

  • S05E06 The People's Disclosure

    • February 11, 2019
    • Gaia

    Steven Greer discusses a plan that empowers each of us to become leaders in disclosure. Everything that we need to create a better world is ready for us to use, if only we had the courage, integrity and vision to step up and bypass the power dynamics of the control mechanisms holding us back. He offers strategies to help inventors come forward with sustainable high technology, and for us to engage with an interplanetary peace mission, led by the people.