Erotikbuchautorin Ines Wittka begrüßt die Promi-Damen Giulia Siegel, Arielle Rippegather, Linda Nobat und Edith Stehfest in einem Berliner Loft, um ihnen ein paar Tipps und Tricks an die Hand zu geben, wie sie eine erotische Kurzgeschichte schreiben können. Anschließend erkunden sie ein Dominastudio. Hier besuchen die vier Ladies Domina Lady Blackdiamood und bekommen eine Einführung in die Welt des BDSM. (Text: sixx)
Um mit dem Körper eine Geschichte zu erzählen, kommt die deutsche Burlesque-Queen Marlene ins Loft und möchte den Ladies tanzen beibringen. Die Frauen lassen sich drauf ein und schon nach kurzer Zeit kommen sehr viele Emotionen hoch, denn wer den Tanz fühlt, kommt auch an sein Inneres. (Text: sixx)
With Dr. Diva, the ladies should learn how to find words for an erotic story without being ashamed to pronounce it. Arielle agrees to lie down on a bed and let her comrades-in-arms whisper dirty words in her ear. In the evening, the women then go to a cuddly party and get very close to strangers.
While the ladies are instructed by Paula and Johannes in the art of tantra massage during the day, in the evening it goes to a fetish sex party for everyone in the Berlin nightclub Insomnia. Here the ladies let it crash properly and Linda is even allowed to watch Arielle having sex. All four let their desire run wild.
While the ladies in this episode let themselves be shown by drag queen Katy Bähm how to make up as a queen during the day, the ladies celebrate in the evening at the striptease show of the "SIXX PAXX Boys"!
After the joint screening of a feminist porn by director Paulita, the ladies are allowed to direct a porn themselves. Edith, Arielle, Giulia and Linda have to give concrete instructions to the professional porn actors Mia and Jason, which will then be implemented live!
Today, the four are instructed in "craftsmanship" (self-satification). Using vulva models, sex coach Iva Samina explains how women can make themselves happy.
Giulia Siegel, Edith Stehfest, Linda Nobat and Arielle Rippegather present their own erotic short stories in front of an audience in the grand finale. Whether they read them aloud, rap them or present them as a poetry slam is up to the ladies themselves. Here, too, there are no limits to the imagination.