Earl, der stolz auf seine fleischfressenden Vorfahren ist, kann es nicht fassen, als sein Sohn Robbie ihm seine Entscheidung mitteilt, ein Pflanzenfresser zu werden. Als sie bei einer Diskussion darüber durch die Wildnis wandern, taucht ein riesiges Tier auf und verschluckt erst Robbie und dann Earl. Im Magen des Monsters können Vater und Sohn weiter über "Fressen und gefressen werden" philosophieren.
Earl signs Robbie into a Carnivore celebration festival, but Robbie is very outraged that his father putted him in that festival when he never told his family that he was actually a herbivore. When Fran and Earl find out that he is, they become sad with tears which left Earl no choice but to find Robbie and to teach him about the basic food chain life and the food life. Without knowing with mist and a hugh monster in there way, Robbie is eaten. Earl returns home to tell Fran about the tragedy but Fran demands Earl to go back and save Robbie from the monster. Earl and Fran returned to the misty forest where Robbie was eaten. Fran later told the monster that popped up to eat Earl. Earl enters the stomach of the monster, and the argument between father and son begins untill Earl realizes that he his smart enough to let his son Robbie eat whatever he wants. With a hug the monster who talks says 'cut it out'. Then Earl and Robbie have the smartest plan to get out of the monster's body with
Bobbie está em dúvida entre ser carnívoro (seguindo a tradição da família e conhecidos) ou herbívoro. Quando o rapaz acaba sendo engolido por um monstro do pântano, Dino é forçado a reconsiderar sua filosofia, dentro da barriga da fera!
Robbie desafía a Earl y se junta con algunos herbívoros radicales, pero los dos tienen más de lo que preocuparse de sus dietas cuando se encuentran con un monstruo hambriento de pantano.
Earl iscrive Robbie a un festival carnivoro, ma il figlio è offeso che il padre lo abbia portato al festival perchè non ha mai detto alla famiglia di essere in realtà erbivoro.
Bob está em dúvida entre ser carnívoro . segundo a tradição da família - ou herbívoro.
Robbie trotsar Earl och hänger med några grymma växtätare.