After the four ungodly brothers were attacked by the wolves, the six Sakamaki brothers were also attacked by the wolves.
Shake off the attacks of the wolves while being injured.
They figure that this attack is the work of the founder and their aim is Yui Komori.
Ayato heads back to the godless mansion to protect Yui from the hands of the founder.
Ayato suddenly appears in front of Yui and Ruki, telling him that this attack is the work of the founder and that the aim is Yui himself.
Yui says he can't bother everyone and says he'll leave them, but Ayato and Ruki oppose him.
Ruki proposes to join hands with Ayato to protect Eve from the founder.
Ayato reluctantly accepts it, but Yui says that it belongs to her and sucks blood on Yui ...
'Los fundadores buscan la sangre de 'Eva' Final.