The body of a man is discovered at an abandoned construction site within the metropolitan area. Brought to the scene by an anonymous call, judging by the condition of the body, the police believe the murder took place elsewhere. Meanwhile, unable to get in touch with the man's family, a local police officer is sent to the victim's home. The safe within the ransacked home has been left open, and an ornament with blood and hair stuck to it is found on the floor. After examining the scene, the police determine the crime took place here and begin their investigation. Two days later, the police identify a man who persistently hounded the victim. Inspector Megure is shocked when he hears his name. It is a man with a grudge against him due to something that happened three years earlier. Inspector Megure risks his own career to arrest him, but...
Alertée par un appel anonyme, la police découvre le corps sans vie d’Iwao Yamakabe dans la ville de Tenma. L’absence de chaussures à ses pieds semble indiquer que son meurtre s’est déroulé ailleurs. Des traces de lutte retrouvées chez lui tendent à appuyer cette hypothèse…
메구레 경부는 살인 사건을 조사하다가 과거에 자신이 취조했던 자가 용의선상에 올랐다는 사실을 알게 된다.
정황상 그가 가장 수상했기 때문에 메구레는 결정적인 증거 없이 그를 체포했는데 다음 날 알리바이가 확인되어 오인 체포를 했다는 것이 밝혀진다.
그래서 그는 진범을 잡는 대로 사표를 쓰기로 결심한다.
코난과 코고로는 그런 메구레를 돕기 위해 조사에 나서는데...
Il corpo di un uomo viene scoperto in un cantiere abbandonato. Portati sul posto da una telefonata anonima, a giudicare dalle condizioni del cadavere, la polizia sospetta che l'omicidio sia avvenuto altrove.
Megure apuesta su carrera policial al caso en que está trabajando actualmente, pero cuando se ve atrapado por las circunstancias no tiene otra opción que recurrir al gran detective Kogoro Mouri para ver si le puede ayudar.
L'inspector Megure dirigeix un cas en què el sospitós principal és un vell conegut, en Kyosuke Temukai, un home a qui l'inspector va acusar d'un crim que no havia comès en el passat. Tot i la falta de proves, en Megure arresta en Kyosuke, cosa que posa en risc la seva carrera. El que no sap és que, en secret, en Kyosuke té una coartada perfecta en aparença.