하기와라와 마츠다는 한 남자에게 폭발물 처리반의 스카우트 제의를 받는다. 흔쾌히 받아들인 마츠다와는 다르게 하기와라는 아버지의 공장을 떠올리며 생각해 볼 시간을 달라고 한다. 한편 모로후시는 팔에 고블릿 문신을 한 남자를 찾기 위해 다시 오토바이 용품점에 가고, 다테는 그런 모로후시가 걱정되어 그를 뒤쫓아간다. 한창 가게 직원에게 이야기를 듣고 있을 때, 그들은 정신을 잃은 트럭 운전기사가 도로를 질주하는 모습을 목격하는데...
Hagiwara, Furuya, Date, and Morofushi spot an RX-7FD3S at the police academy. It's apparently Hagiwara's favorite model, and he overwhelms Instructor Onizuka with an impassioned speech when the instructor exits the car. However, the car belongs not to Onizuka but a senior cop who died on duty. The deceased cop's daughter wants to become a police officer, and Onizuka is holding onto the car until then. Later, during heavy equipment training, they discuss Hagiwara's earlier behavior. Hagiwara knows a lot about cars because his family ran an auto repair shop. However, his family's shop was forced to close, and he explains that he's trying to become a police officer because the police force will never go bankrupt. After training, a man approaches Hagiwara and Matsuda...
Furuya, Date, Matsuda et Morofushi participent à une soirée de rencontres. Ils sont rejoints plus tard par Hagiwara. Ce dernier prétend que son retard est dû à son aide fournie à une vieille dame…
Hagiwara, Furuya, Date e Morofushi avvistano un RX-7FD3S all'accademia di polizia. Apparentemente è il modello preferito di Hagiwara, che travolge l'istruttore Onizuka con un discorso appassionato quando lui esce dall'auto.
Popular entre las chicas, con conocimientos profundos sobre automóviles y experto en maquinaria, Kenji Hagiwara parece ser un joven despreocupado, pero cuando lo reclutan a la División de Desarme de Explosivos, no logra responder enseguida.
En aquesta nova aventura dels cinc amics de l'Acadèmia de Policia, coneixem el passat d'en Hagiwara, els pares del qual tenien un taller de reparació de cotxes que va haver de tancar a causa de la crisi econòmica. Els cinc amics col·laboren per trobar la manera d'aturar un camió descontrolat que arrossega un cotxe en què viatja un matrimoni gran.