Kogoro, Conan, real estate company president Azuma, secretary Kasai, and office worker Matsuko gather at an abandoned research facility. Azuma has been threatened with murder and hired Kogoro to find the culprit. Officer worker Sannan, auto mechanic Kitao, and waitress Kana, all of whom hate Azuma, have also been invited to the research facility. Kogoro reports the results of his investigation to Azuma and identifies the person who attacked Azuma. However, upon noticing the mistake in Kogoro's reasoning, Conan fires his stun watch at him. Conan closes in on the truth as the Sleeping Kogoro, but...
Sur les conseils de son bras droit, le directeur d’une agence immobilière décide d’engager Kogorô Môri suite à des menaces de mort par téléphone. Le détective commence son enquête en interrogeant les trois principaux suspects listés par son client...
Kogoro y Conan empiezan a investigar un caso de amenaza telefónica, pero los sopechosos son extraños y hay cosas que parecen no encajar. ¿Cuál será la verdad detrás de este caso?
Kogoro viene assoldato da un uomo per individuare chi lo ha aggredito. Conan addormenta Kogoro e risolve il caso. Si scopre però che le sei persone presenti fanno parte di una compagnia teatrale e Kogoro è stato protagonista di una candid camera.
Kogoro i Conan comencen a investigar un cas d'amenaça telefònica, però els sospitosos són estranys i hi ha coses que semblen no encaixar. Quina serà la veritat darrere d'aquest cas?