A pop-up book and pink smartphone are delivered to the Mori Detective Agency. In the pop-up book are warnings of a series of explosions. The riddle for the location of the third bomb is "the middle of 7." Conan and his friends think of things expressed in sevens and what the middle of those things might be. In a week, it's Thursday. In a rainbow, it's green. In a musical scale, it's fa. Overwhelmed by the number of possibilities, Kogoro holds his head in his hands. At the police station, they begin searching for places, companies, and schools corresponding to Thursday, Green, and fa, but Conan reasons that Hirukawa's target lies elsewhere...
Le poseur de bombe donne un indice délibérément vague et la police trouve trois bombes à trois endroits différents qui s'avèrent être fausses. Une quatrième bombe explose, faisant sauter un camion blindé.
La siguiente pista para encontrar las nuevas bombas está relacionada con el número 7 ¿Podrán Conan, Ran, Kogoro y la policía encontrar las bombas antes de que exploten?
Il bombarolo fornisce un indizio volutamente vago e la polizia rinviene tre bombe in tre luoghi diversi che però si rivelano finte. Esplode una quarta bomba che fa saltare in aria un furgone portavalori.
La següent pista per trobar les noves bombes està relacionada amb el número 7 ¿Podran Conan, Ran, Kogoro i la policia trobar les bombes abans que explotin?