While on a walk, Conan, Ran, and Kogoro heard a gunshot from a house. While heading to investigate, Kogoro was unable to catch a masked man that runs past them. Conan finds a dead man with dried blood and white powdery substance on his shirt. The man, Hisaemon Yaguchi, is revealed to have died hours ago and his three sons are the suspects to the murder. After investigating the three suspects, Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and with his voice changing bow-tie, reveals that the murder was an accident. Conan reveals that the eldest son Rokuro Yaguchi witnessed his father's death through the webcam. The video shows that Hisaemon had a heart attack and accidentally shot himself. Conan also reveals that after his son tried to rob his safe, he cried in sorrow as evidenced by the salt on Hisaemon. Once the police were able to open Hisaemon's safe, it is revealed Hisaemon signed a loan contract to continue supporting his sons.
Ran, Kogorô & Conan sont en promenade. Ils montent des escaliers à la recherche d’un temple plein de fleurs. Mais ils sont déçus. Point de fleurs, mais une volée de corbeaux, le bruit sourd d’un revolver et un cadavre énigmatique.
Goro, Ran e Conan si recano a Kamakura per visitare un tempio. I tre sentono uno sparo provenire da una casa e vedono un rapinatore correre verso di loro. Goro e Ran, però, non riescono a fermarlo. In una delle stanze, Conan trova un cadavere, ma il sangue sui suoi vestiti è già secco e, quindi, non può essere stato ucciso in quell'occasione. Due dei tre figli dell'uomo sono sospettati dell'omicidio perché hanno un movente e sono stati visti nei pressi dell'abitazione del padre.
Conan, Ran y Kogoro viajan a Kamakura a hacer turismo, pero acaban descubriendo el cadáver de hombre cuyos sospechosos son sus tres hijos, los cuales discuten por quién se quedará la herencia. ¿Alguno de los hijos habrá matado al padre?
Conan, Ran y Kogoro viajan a Kamakura a hacer turismo, pero acaban descubriendo el cadáver de hombre cuyos sospechosos son sus tres hijos, los cuales discuten por quién se quedará la herencia. ¿Alguno de los hijos habrá matado al padre?