Moore and the policemen have deducted the wrong conclusion that this room is not a locked case and that the criminal told the victim to lock the door and the victim died of poisoning. Conan proves them wrong stating how the coffee spill is weird and how the cake is cut in two but put together in one plate. Conan shows them it is indeed a locked room case and that the murderer is not with them. The case is solved with a sad conclusion, in the rainy day.
Conan se rend compte que certains objets de la pièce ont été déplacés récemment et non au moment du meurtre.
Conan intuisce che alcuni oggetti nella stanza sono stati spostati recentemente e non quando è avvenuto l'omicidio
Hay varios puntos que no encajan. El asesinato se cometió dentro de un piso totalmente cerrado, un trozo de tarta y una taza de café en la mesa, y la extraña desaparición de la chica que ayudaba al sospechoso.
És realment aquell home l'homicida? Hi ha diversos punts que no encaixen. Com, per exemple, l'assassinat es va cometre dins d'un pis totalment tancat, un tros de pastís i una tassa de cafè a la taula, i l'estranya desaparició de la noia que ajudava al sospitós.