Sawaguri, pleased to have another detective to find the culprit, obeys his requests to take pictures of the hostage's books which were autographed by Miku. During the course of the investigation, the authorities lose the chance to snipe Sawaguri after Ran closes the curtain as she believes Shinichi can find a solution to prevent any deaths. Miku's blog post reveals her last three visitors were from an elephant, a fox, and a rat. Conan explains the animals were based on the hostage's professions: The elephant is Sumika Nihei, due to her husband's seal designs is similar to an elephant's tusk; Shinobu Yuchi is the fox since she is a bakery and her food is colored like a fox's coat; and the rat is Tamami Mitsui whom is a stonemasonry which is gray like a rat's coat. In response, Sawaguri prepares to kill Mitsui.
Le criminel accepte de ne pas interrompre la communication téléphonique afin d'avoir le soutien d'un second détective. La dernière personne à avoir vu la victime vivante semble être celle que l'écrivain avait surnommée "Mouse".
Il criminale accetta di non interrompere la comunicazione telefonica per poter avere il supporto di un secondo detective. L'ultima persona ad avere visto viva la vittima sembra essere colei che la scrittrice aveva soprannominato "Topo"
Isao está más que seguro de que la Rata es una de las tres novelistas, y no piensa detenerse hasta que Shinichi lo resuelva, sin embargo si le desvela la identidad de la culpable, si es que la hay realmente, la matará y luego se suicidará. Por otro lado la policía ha rodeado a la agencia y se prepara para actuar.
Isao està més que segur que la Rata és una de les tres novel·listes, i no pensa aturar-se fins que Shinichi ho resolgui, però si li desvetlla la identitat de la culpable, si és que n'hi ha realment, la matarà i després se suïcidarà. D'altra banda la policia ha envoltat l'agència i es prepara per actuar.