Due to a recent fad, Sakamoto Ryoma histories have become popular. Capitalizing on this, Jirokichi Suzuki's museum has set up a Ryoma exhibit. Jirokichi wanted to purchase a prize item of Ryoma's for the exhibit, a gun belt with a large ruby, from the current owners Shishihiko Tarumi and Masanosuke Hanamura. Not wanting to buy it before having it evaluating by his own appraiser, Jirokichi instead arranged a space at the exhibit for the owners to display the gunbelt in the meanwhile. Elsewhere, Sonoko tells Ran that Kaitou Kid has sent an advance notice that he will be at the exhibit to return some items that were stolen 20 years ago from Shishihiko Tarumi's Ryoma exhibit by the thief Phantom Lady: Ryoma's letter to his wife talking about the belt, a pistol Ryoma was carrying, and a sake cup with a bloodstain when Ryoma was assassinated. Inspector Ginzo Nakamori and Superintendent Shintaro Chaki discuss the best strategy to capture Kid: Lure Kid in to allow him to to return what was stolen, but then prevent him from leaving.
L'oncle de Sonoko, Jirokichi Suzuki, expose dans l'un de ses musées des antiquités, dont une ceinture ornée d'un joyau ayant appartenu à une figure historique de l'histoire du Japon. Fidèle à ses habitudes, le voleur Kid l'Insaisissable annonce sa venue à l'aide d'une carte. Cependant, il déclare cette fois-ci ne rien vouloir dérober, mais à la place rendre des objets volés 20ans plus tôt par une voleuse légendaire. Conan est sur le point d'en apprendre un tout petit peu plus sur la vie de son mystérieux adversaire.
Kid lancia una nuova sfida alla polizia in occasione dell'apertura di un importante museo che esporrà, tra i tanti pezzi rari, anche un preziosissimo e leggendario cinturone appartenuto a Sakamoto Ryoma
Una nueva exposición de arte se genera en la ciudad, esta vez, son los tesoros de Ryoma, pero algo fuera de lo común ocurre, Kid el ladrón fantasma da un aviso de devolver unos objetos.
Una nova exposició d'art es genera a la ciutat, aquesta vegada, són els tresors de Ryoma, però alguna cosa fora del comú passa, Kid el lladre fantasma dona un avís de retornar uns objectes.