Conan, Ran, and Kogoro knocked on a mansion door at night as they were lost. The door is open and a man in a hood is seen which makes them scream. They see behind the mysterious man more people dressed like him. One of them notices Kogoro and shows himself as Kouji Yatsukawa. They are allowed to come in and everyone tells Kogoro who they are. Hiraski tells them that they will be holding a séance for their idol, (who was supposed to be a star in the Black Magic Girl Movie). They decided to hold a séance as rumors have come up saying if people ditched the club, they will be suffered with illness. They also brought up a murder who was supposed to be related to the death of Kira. So they decided to have the séance to ask Kira herself. During the séance, they call out to Kira and voices of her coming out from the paintings around them telling them that one of them here has killed her and she shall have her vengeance. Soon the tables start shaking and things start breaking. Kogoro deducts that the person moving these objects (from a remote control) was Hiraski which is proven to be right. He claims it was just a little performance but says that someone switched the audio as thats not what he put on the tape. Soon after Hiraski and Hoonogi are in a room talking to each other. It seems that Hoonogi did or saw something a while ago. While eating with some other guests Conan asks questions about Kira and the previous murder. They learn the person who saw the body was Shoko. When they call her cell to see if she will talk to Mouri a bit she says she has a headache and not now. Later that night when everyone is sleeping. The club members get a message saying "I have returned to life" ~Kira from Shoko's phone. After breaking into the meditation room she is on the table dead.
Conan, Kogoro et Ran se perdent dans une forêt. Ils remarquent un manoir et décident de s'y rendre pour demander leur chemin : à l'intérieur se trouvent des membres du fan club de Kira Miyahara qui ont organisé une séance de spiritisme pour faire revivre leur actrice préférée, décédée un an plus tôt dans un accident de voiture.
Conan, Kogoro e Ran si perdono in un bosco. I 3 notano una villa e decidono di recarvisi per chiedere indicazioni: al suo interno si trovano i componenti del fan club di Kira Miyahara che hanno organizzato una seduta spiritica per evocare la loro attrice preferita, morta un anno prima in un incidente stradale
Perdidos en la montaña, Kogoro, Ran y Conan, divisan una mansión a la que sin dudan entran. Cuál es su sorpresa al encontrar a muchas personas con capuchas negras y aspecto siniestro, y entre ellos, uno de los trabajadores de Nichiuri TV… En medio de una sesión de espiritismo para invocar al espíritu de una actriz, varios incidentes paranormales suceden, y más tarde, la tragedia cae sobre ellos.
Perduts a la muntanya, Kogoro, Ran i Conan, divisen una mansió a la qual sens dubte entren. Quina és la seva sorpresa en trobar moltes persones amb caputxes negres i aspecte sinistre, i entre ells, un dels treballadors de Nichiuri TV... Enmig d'una sessió d'espiritisme per invocar l'esperit d'una actriu, diversos incidents paranormals succeeixen, i més tard, la tragèdia cau sobre ells.