Kogoro and Ran take the Detective Boys to an onsen in Kinosaki, Hyōgo so Conan can heal his sprained ankle. While there, Ran runs into a little girl named Haruna. Ran learns that Haruna by herself and accompanies her around Kinosaki and remains unaware that a mysterious man is secretly stalking the pair. While Kogoro is interviewed by a name named Kouichi Yumoto, Conan notices that Ran is missing from the group and asks the Detective Boys if they have seen her. Mitsuhiko shows them a photo he took and which reveals Ran chasing after Haruna in the background and a the mysterious man. Unable to contact Ran through her phone, they discuss the probability that the man has captured Ran and the girl. Heiji coincidentally runs into the group revealing that he was hired by Haruna's father, Shuuhei Tabuse, to search for her. Heiji takes Kogoro and Conan to meet Shuuhei in an attempt to find a clue on Haruna's motive for running away from home. Shuuhei reveals that Haruna was visiting a museum when an the "Rainbow Child", an art sculpture created by his ex-wife was stolen and Haruna was missing along with it. Elsewhere, the mysterious man uses a taser to incapacitate Ran and corners Haruna.
Pour soigner une entorse de la cheville de Conan, Kogorô et Ran emmènent le club des détectives aux sources chaudes de Kinosaki. On dit d’elles que les cigognes les utilisaient pour soigner leurs pattes cassées. Alors que Ran tente de rattraper Ayumi pour le rendre son badge, elle rencontre une jeune fille apeurée, Haruna. Cette jeune fille est portée disparue. Une enquête est lancée avec Heiji Hattori.
Conan si è ferito ad una caviglia e, così, Goro, Ran ed i Detective Boys lo accompagnano ad un centro termale per curarsi. Qui, Ran si scontra per caso con una ragazzina che, spaventata, scappa via. La ragazza la insegue. Nel frattempo, Heiji e Kazuha incontrano Conan e gli altri e rivelano di essere alla ricerca proprio della bambina. Genta e Mitsuhiko affermano di averle incontrate poco prima e mostrano una foto in cui, oltre alle due ragazze, si nota anche un uomo che le sta seguendo.
Ran, Kogoro, la liga juvenil de detectives y Conan van a los baños termales de Kamakura ya que este último tiene la pierna lastimada por no haberse fijado al caminar mientras veía a Ran conversando con el doctor Araide. Allí coincidirán con Heiji y Kazuha. Ran se topará con una niña y empezará a seguirla ya que ve algo extraño. Casualmente, Heiji, Conan y Kogoro están investigando la extraña desaparicíón de la pequeña. Finalmente, un hombre con un extraño traje deja inconsciente a Ran y se dispone a hacer lo mismo con la asustada niña.
Ran, Kogoro, la lliga juvenil de detectius i Conan van als banys termals de Kamakura ja que aquest últim té la cama llastimada per no haver-se fixat en caminar mentre veia Ran conversant amb el doctor Araide. Allà coincidiran amb Heiji i Kazuha. Ran es toparà amb una nena i començarà a seguir-la ja que veu alguna cosa estranya. Casualment, Heiji, Conan i Kogoro estan investigant l'estranya desaparicíó de la petita. Finalment, un home amb un estrany vestit deixa inconscient Ran i es disposa a fer el mateix amb l'ensurt nena.