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Season 1

  • S01E01 Hunting Roosevelt Elk in Oregon

    • November 12, 2018

    DESTINATION ELK - the new Day-by-Day Elk Hunting video series from Elk101.com officially kicks off today with Episode 1! Join Elk101's Corey Jacobsen and Donnie Drake as they head to unchartered elk country on the Oregon coast to hunt Roosevelt elk for the first time. As daylight emerges from the coastal fog, bugles echo up through the old-growth rain-forest, and it's game on!

  • S01E02 Roosevelt Elk Hunting is "Growing" On Us

    • November 13, 2018

    DESTINATION ELK - Episode 2 - Corey and Donnie are back in the coastal rainforest chasing Roosevelt elk, and the weather is emphasizing the "rain" in rainforest. The guys also meet up with good friend David Brinker, who will be joining them for the remainder of the hunt. Wondering why Corey cow calls through his bugle tube? He explains that in this Episode as well...

  • S01E03 Roosevelt Elk Tag Filled!

    • November 14, 2018

    DESTINATION ELK - Episode 3 - Corey, Donnie, and David return to the same area they've hunted the previous 2 days, and finally stir up some intense bugling action. With 3 bulls coming in on a string to their calling, someone is going to get a shot! Watch Day 3 now to see who fills their Roosevelt elk tag…

  • S01E04 I Stuck a Broadhead in my Leg!

    • December 15, 2018

    Destination Elk - Day 4: This has been one of the most anticipated episodes of the series! Watch as the guys face a real backcountry emergency, and see how they handle the situation, and what they do to stop a gushing broadhead wound in David's leg!

  • S01E05 Corey's Roosevelt Elk Dream Comes True!

    • December 16, 2018

    DESTINATION ELK - Episode 5 - With the misadventure of the morning hunt behind them, Corey and Donnie regroup and find a pocket of elk right at last light. The next morning, they head back to the same area and Corey's dream Roosevelt elk hunting setup plays out just as he'd always imagined it. The guys find themselves engulfed in a thick blanket of coastal fog, and surrounded by a vocal herd of Roosevelt elk. With Corey at full draw, and the herd bull standing broadside just 35 yards away, today's action is what the guys came to the Oregon coast to experience!

  • S01E06 An Elk Bugling from the Truck?

    • December 17, 2018

    Destination Elk - Day 6 - The miles of hiking in thick, steep, wet brush are adding up, and today is no exception. However, with all the miles hiked, the woods are quiet, right up until the last few minutes of daylight as the guys are just about back to the truck. Finally, a bull that is bugling like the rut is in full swing, and Corey and Donnie quickly make a plan to take advantage of the situation. Plus, you don't want to miss Donnie physically demonstrate how to persevere in tough situations...

  • S01E07 Finishing Strong in Oregon

    • December 18, 2018

    Destination Elk - Episode 7 - The entire Destination Elk Roosevelt elk hunting trip comes down to a sprint - literally - to close the distance on a bugling bull as daylight fades on the final day of the hunt. With time running out, Corey finds himself 6 yards from a very aggressive bull, and has one last chance to anchor success.

  • S01E15 A Gritty Day of Elk Hunting

    • December 26, 2018

    Destination Elk (Episode 15): The winner of the Elk101/MTN OPS Elk Hunt Giveaway, Tommy Davis, opted for a lighter day of elk hunting today, so Corey and Donnie teamed up with Brian Call (Gritty Podcast) and Casey Harbertson (MTN OPS) to chase bugling bulls. It didn't take long for the guys to pick right up where things had left of the previous day, and less than an hour into the morning, Mr. Gritty himself was at full draw on a beautiful 6x6 bull elk!

  • S01E17 Elk Hunt of a Lifetime!

    • November 28, 2018

    This elk hunt is the capstone hunt for the Elk101 crew every fall, and this year's hunt is a good as it gets! Join Corey and Donnie, as well as Elk101 Prostaff members Russ Meyer, Tony Mudd, Tyler Carson, and faithful cameraman John Abernathey as they share an elk camp with 17-year-old Jeff - and his father Jeff - from Pennsylvania! Jeff is in Idaho on this elk hunt through the Hunt of a Lifetime organization (HOAL), a non-profit organization that provides hunting and fishing opportunities for youth with life-threatening illnesses.

  • S01E18 An Unforgettable Day of Elk Hunting

    • November 29, 2018

    Experiences like today's are hard to convey. Sometimes an elk hunt is about a whole lot more than just elk hunting. For 17-year-old Jeff, this elk hunting experience is a dream come true. Join the team from Elk101 as they share a very special ‘Hunt of a Lifetime’ in elk country with a couple of very special people. Oh yeah, and they find themselves in the middle of some pretty incredible elk hunting as well!

  • S01E19 FINALE

    • November 30, 2018

    What an Incredible elk season! Thanks so much for joining us on this amazing journey! In this Episode (FINALE), we reveal the winners of all the daily gear giveaways. We also recap our 2018 elk season, AND share another successful elk hunt that we captured after the regular Destination Elk project had ended.

Season 4

  • S04E01 14 Elk Tags to Fill

    • January 24, 2022

    Elk101 is back with the Premiere Episode of the popular elk hunting video series, Destination Elk V4! This season, the format has changed. 14 Elk Hunters will team up in groups of 2, and each of the 7 teams will head out in separate directions for 8 days of DIY Public Land elk hunting action. In the Premiere Episode, get to know all of the participants before they head into the field. All 14 participants have gathered together at the Total Archery Challenge in Big Sky, MT, to share the mountain shooting bows and to share their plans for the upcoming elk season. Which team do you think will fill their tags this season?

  • S04E02 The End of an Elk Hunting Era

    • January 24, 2022

    Day 1: Morning Hunt. The Elk Hunting action kicks off in Episode 2, but not before Corey confronts something from Donnie's elk hunting past... All 7 Teams make their way to their respective elk camps, and TEAM PURE ELEVATION and TEAM FRESH TRACKS have bull elk standing in front of them on their first morning of hunting. See who's ready to fill an elk tag on Day 1...

  • S04E03 "Day 1" Donnie Strikes Again

    • January 25, 2022

    Day 1: Evening Hunt. A surprise visitor during a Team SKOUSEN nap, a 3-yard encounter, Team FRESH TRACKS has a herd of 200 elk in front of them, and Team ELK101 is packing elk meat! The elk hunting action on the Afternoon of Day 1 is heating up.

  • S04E04 They Shot Our Elk!

    • January 27, 2022

    Day 2: Morning Hunt. Team PURE ELEVATION has packed into some of the steepest and most remote elk country in North America, and their efforts are paying off. And another hunter shoots an elk before Randy and the FRESH TRACKS Team get into position. The morning of Day 2 is off to an exciting start... This season, the format has changed. 14 Elk Hunters will team up in groups of 2, and each of the 7 teams will head out in separate directions for 8 days of DIY Public Land elk hunting action. In the Premiere Episode, get to know all of the participants before they head into the field. All 14 participants have gathered together at the Total Archery Challenge in Big Sky, MT, to share the mountain shooting bows and to share their plans for the upcoming elk season. Which team do you think will fill their tags this season?

  • S04E05 Giant Idaho Backcountry Bull

    • February 1, 2022

    Day 2: Evening Hunt. Team PURE ELEVATION pulls a giant Idaho backcountry bull out of an abyss, and Lenny's arrow drops the bull in front of the camera. But the success doesn't end there...another team arrows an Idaho bull as well! Watch Episode 5 to see who else got in on the shooting action tonight...

  • S04E06 Two Elk Tags Filled in One Morning

    • February 3, 2022

    Day 3: Morning Hunt. The elk hunting action is pretty slow and several teams are moving camps, but Team ANGRY SPIKE finds a herd of Roosevelt elk and has slipped in to just 12 yards from a fired-up herd bull. Team WILDERNESS RIDGE is back at daylight looking for the bull Beau shot just before dark the night before. The action must not be too slow, as 2 hunters notch their tags today...

  • S04E07 Watch Where You Sit in Elk Country

    • February 8, 2022

    Day 3: Evening Hunt. Team SKOUSEN gets Jeff's bull packed out and relocates to a new unit, while Team WILDERNESS RIDGE finds the mother-load of elk. Michael is tasked with removing prickly pear cactus from Randy's cheek, and Corey is leading Donnie and John to the top of the mountain after a bugling bull...and some of the best bugling action of the season!

  • S04E08 "I Bet I Can Call That Herd Bull In..."

    • February 10, 2022

    Day 4: Morning Hunt. Team SKOUSEN is back in the saddle in a new unit, and they are once again into elk action. Marcus has moved up to the edge of a meadow and set up to start calling to the herd that is feeding in the trees on the opposite side. And Corey is determined to call in a big herd bull for John...even if the herd bull wants nothing to do with his calls...

  • S04E09 Cameraman John's GIANT Idaho Elk

    • February 15, 2022

    Day 4: Evening Hunt. Marcus continues the search for the bull he shot this morning, and Team FRESH TRACKS relocates camp to grizzly country. Team ELK101 goes into stealth mode to get close to a giant herd bull, and with Cameraman John behind the bow, Donnie may have competition for best post-shot reactions...

  • S04E10 We Found The Bull We Are After!

    • February 17, 2022

    Day 5: Morning Hunt. Team FRESH TRACKS is hot on the heals of Montana bugles, and Team SKOUSEN is once again sitting on a massive herd of Idaho elk. Meanwhile, Team ELK101 has found the bull they've been looking for...and Corey is up!

  • S04E11 Would Corey Really Pass Up This Bull?

    • February 22, 2022

    Day 5: Evening Hunt. Donnie and John have tagged out, and with just 3 days left in the hunt, Corey has a big bull standing frontal at 25 yards. Should he shoot or pass? Team SKOUSEN is once again into a giant herd of elk, and Randy has once again sidetracked Team FRESH TRACKS with another grouse excursion. Team PURE ELEVATION is deep in Idaho's backcountry, but they're hearing bugles they are convinced is another hunter...until they see dark legs moving through the trees heading their direction....

  • S04E12 Surrounded By Elk!

    • February 24, 2022

    Day 6: Morning Hunt. Team ELK101 has gone from bugles in every direction to complete silence, and are considering moving camp again. Bugles are few and far between for Team FRESH TRACKS and Team PEAX, but Team SKOUSEN is making up for everyone else's lack of bugles! On horses, and 6 miles in, Mark and Jeff are once again covered up in bugling bulls...

  • S04E13 The Worst Day of Elk Hunting....Ever!

    • March 1, 2022

    Day 6: Evening Hunt. Several Teams are battling bad weather, and the action seems to be dead, even for the camps that are in good weather. Team FRESH TRACKS is in hot pursuit of a bugling bull, but an element not related to weather has the elk tight-lipped and unresponsive....

  • S04E14 Bugling Bulls in Every Direction!

    • March 3, 2022

    Day 7: Morning Hunt. The previous night's action was pretty much non-existent for each of the Teams, but what a difference one morning can make! Team ELK101 has relocated and they're chasing multiple bugles up the mountain at daylight, Team FRESH TRACKS is closing in on a fired-up bull, and Team SKOUSEN has once again found themselves in the middle of a giant herd with multiple bulls! There's been a bit of a dry spell when it comes to filling tags though....is today the day?

  • S04E15 Shoot or Pass? Confronted by a Frontal Shot

    • March 8, 2022

    Day 7: Evening Hunt. Team ELK101 has found the mother-load of bugling bulls, and with Corey behind the bow, it's just a matter of time. And Team SKOUSEN is still in the middle of some of the best elk hunting action of this season, but Mark is faced with a choice. Even under the best conditions, the frontal shot on an elk isn't for everyone. Will Mark let this nice 6x6 bull walk, or will he take the frontal shot?

  • S04E16 Is This Destination Grouse? Change My Mind...

    • March 10, 2022

    Day 8: Morning Hunt. It's down to the last day of the 8-day hunt, and Randy seems to be getting more and more distracted...by GROUSE! We're starting to wonder if he even buys an elk tag... But Team ELK101 is more focused than ever, and has finally found a bull that is ready to play the game. Donnie has the bull coming in on a string, and Corey is at full-draw as the 6x6 steps out into the opening just 30 yards away...