This situation comedy series follows the lives of the Mitchell family, Henry, Alice, and their only child Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor George Wilson, a retired salesman, or, later, with George's brother John, a writer. Dennis is basically a good, well-intentioned boy who always tries to help people, but who winds up making situations worse – often at Mr. Wilson's expense.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | September 1960 | 5 | |
Season 1 | October 1959 | June 1960 | 32 |
Season 2 | October 1960 | June 1961 | 38 |
Season 3 | October 1961 | July 1962 | 38 |
Season 4 | September 1962 | July 1963 | 38 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 151 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 151 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Charles T. Barton | 65 | 01/03/1960 - 07/07/1963 | |
William D. Russell | 29 | 10/04/1959 - 04/08/1962 | |
William Cowley | 27 | 10/04/1959 - 02/05/1961 | |
Peggy Chantler | 27 | 10/04/1959 - 02/05/1961 | |
Don Taylor | 3 | 12/06/1959 - 02/07/1960 | |
Mannie Manheim | 1 | 04/10/1960 | |
Jeffrey Hayden | 1 | 10/28/1962 | |
Cally Curtis | 1 | 02/07/1960 | |
Arthur Marx | 1 | 04/10/1960 | |
Lois Peyser | 1 | 06/11/1961 | |
Andrew McCullough | 1 | 09/29/1960 | |
Norman Abbott | 1 | 06/12/1960 | |
Arnold Peyser | 1 | 06/11/1961 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Phil Leslie | 32 | 02/28/1960 - 05/19/1963 | |
Keith Fowler | 25 | 03/19/1961 - 05/19/1963 | |
Budd Grossman | 11 | 02/12/1961 - 07/07/1963 | |
Herbert Finn | 11 | 01/28/1962 - 06/16/1963 | |
John Elliotte | 10 | 01/28/1962 - 06/16/1963 | |
George Tibbles | 8 | 11/01/1959 - 05/22/1960 | |
Joe Bigelow | 5 | 11/19/1961 - 03/10/1963 | |
Louella MacFarlane | 5 | 01/17/1960 - 06/25/1961 | |
Jay Sommers | 5 | 11/19/1961 - 03/10/1963 | |
Hannibal Coons | 4 | 11/08/1959 - 12/18/1960 | |
Russell Beggs | 4 | 01/01/1961 - 04/08/1962 | |
Milton Pascal | 1 | 11/08/1959 | |
Roland MacLane | 1 | 11/27/1960 | |
Paul West | 1 | 02/21/1960 | |
Clifford Goldsmith | 1 | 11/29/1959 | |
James Fonda | 1 | 12/18/1960 | |
Dick Wesson | 1 | 05/01/1960 | |
David Schwartz | 1 | 02/21/1960 | |
Seymour Friedman | 1 | 09/29/1960 | |
Dick Conway | 1 | 11/27/1960 |
No lists.
Dennis the Menace is a daily syndicated newspaper comic strip originally created, written, and illustrated by Hank Ketcham. The comic strip became so successful that it was adapted to other popular media, including several television shows, both live-action and animated, and several feature films, including theatrical and direct-to-video releases.
No lists.
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