Jung-woo has come a long way since he woke up with no memory of his past few months, since he now realizes that he needs help to protect what is most precious to him. Luckily, he finds himself surrounded by some very capable people who are on his side. As Min-ho forces him to take part in a dangerous game, at the very least, Team Jung-woo is no longer just a party of one.
Alors que les autorités inspectent le centre médical Chamyeong, Jeong Wu tente de s'évader. Min Ho retrouve Yeon Hee. Les détenus élaborent un plan audacieux.
하연, 성규와 병원을 빠져나가기로 하는 정우. 같은 시간 민호는 병원을 샅샅이 뒤지며 정우의 뒤를 쫓는다. 한편, 정우는 셋이 함께 움직이기 어렵다는 것을 알고 성규에게 하연을 맡기며 지하 주차장에서 만나자 하는데...