As Nageen runs away from home, a meeting with a stranger at the train station leaves Nageen with conflicted feelings. Unable to find her aunt's home in a new city, Nageen is chased down by two men who try to harass her. Afraid and helpless Nageen chooses to run until she is stopped by kind-hearted man who takes her to his house and introduces her to his mother and sister.
تقابل ناقين خلال هربها من المنزل رجلًا في محطة القطار وتحس بمشاعر متضاربة نحوه، يلاحق رجلين ناقين عند وصولها للمدينة ويحاولان إيذائها فتهرب حتى يوقفها رجلٌ طيب القلب يأخذها لمنزله ويعرفها على أمه وأخته.