The drama unfolds when Tori Lustigman relocates from the country to her childhood suburb of Bondi with her teenage son Will, to put the past firmly behind her and start life over. Partnered with Detective Nick Manning, they're assigned to investigate the brutal murder of a young man whose mutilated corpse is found in an apartment. Is this brutal murder a domestic, a robbery gone wrong, or something far more sinister?
In this stunning feature-length documentary, individual stories are woven together to explore a spate of violence and crime, which bloodied Sydney's coastline in the 1980s and 1990s. Disturbing gang assaults were being carried out on coastal cliffs around Sydney, and mysterious deaths officially recorded as 'suicide', 'disappearance' and 'misadventure'. Survivors, witnesses, families of victims and many of those involved at the time including ex-police, investigative journalists, forensic pathologists and the ex-Deputy State Coroner are now candidly speaking out on the events of the past in the hope that new evidence might rise to the surface.