Special agent Jack Decker takes on terror threats in Afghanistan to keep the world we know safe and secure. When the President himself is too scared to take on Al Qaeda, Decker steps in to extract valuable information from his source- information that could shake the very foundations of our free world.
With an explosive suitcase in-hand, Decker struggles to get answers from the President's tight-lipped code expert. Will he break the three-digit code and reveal the sensitive information contained within the case? Or will the explosion destroy the United States capital and two centuries' worth of American history?
In order to save the nation, Decker must come face-to-face with pure evil.
Introducing Tripp Spencer, a new sidekick for Jack Decker.
The cast of Decker reunites to greet their loyal fans.
Kington's double life almost costs him his life.
Risking life and limb, Kington makes like James Bond towards Dracula's Lair.
An intense meeting between patriots doubles as a touching tribute to Robin Williams.
Calm and collected, Kington springs Decker at a time of least convenience.
An urgent message threatens to derail Kington's plans.
Kington's love of film sets up his potential downfall.
The "Leader of the Free World" seeks sensitive intel from a trusted source.
Kington brings nerves of steel to a meeting of real monsters.
A break of security prompts a cruel and fateful decision.