Series Premiere Hosted by Judy Bailey, this vibrant local documentary series, which evolved from a nationwide search for home footage, travels through three decades in New Zealand's history.
The 1960's have arrived and change is in the air. Witnesses to the time share their stories and memories captured on film in this next chapter of our history told from the inside.
The 1970s are brought alive through the collective memory of ordinary Kiwis and their accounts of a country 'poking its head out of the sand' and recognising its own identity.
As New Zealanders, we’re famous for our strong work ethic and ingenuity. In episode two we uncover a collective, diverse history of work through the memories and home movies of ordinary Kiwis.
While lifestyles and working hours may have changed, our appreciation of “getting away from it all” and “getting together” hasn’t. The Kiwi summer reigns supreme, and space and freedom continue to be cherished.