Ganta erinnert sich daran, dass er Shiro eigentlich schon seit seiner Kindheit kennt. Während Yo von den Undertakern, einer Anti-Deadman-Gruppe attackiert wird, trifft Ganta auf zwei Mitglieder der Scar Chain, einer Untergrundgruppe im Gefängnis, die dem Deadman Wonderland den Krieg erklärt haben.
After a strange quake occurs, during which Yo rushes to keep Minatsuki from harm, Ganta starts to remember things about Shiro, who is revealed to be the Wretched Egg. As Ganta recalls his childhood with Shiro, Yo can't bring himself to mention what he had seen her do. As Yo goes to recover the casts that were stolen from him, he learns from Tamaki that casts can't be used to reduce the sentences on G-Block inmates and is attacked by Genkaku, part of an Anti-Deadman force known as the Undertakers. Meanwhile, Ganta meets Nagi "Owl" Kengamine and Karako Koshio, members of a Deadman group known as Scar Chain wanting to destroy Deadman Wonderland, who invite him to join their gang. As Minatsuki goes through her penalty game, Nagi arranges it so that she only loses her hair. Just then, Genkaku appears and attacks Ganta and the others.
Après un étrange tremblement de terre, Ganta commence à se souvenir de son enfance avec Shiro, qui n'est autre que l'Œuf pourri.
Durante il diversivo messo in atto da Shiro per permettere a Yo di introdursi nel settore G viene staccata l'alimentazione e la ragazza dà sfogo a tutto il proprio potere, dimostrando di essere anch'essa in possesso del Ramo del Peccato. Intanto Ganta viene avvicinato da alcuni detenuti che ha organizzato un gruppo di resistenza all'interno del Deadman Wonderland.
Después de que ocurre un extraño terremoto, durante el cual Yo se apresura para evitar que Minatsuki se lastime, Ganta comienza a recordar cosas sobre Shiro, quien se revela que es el Huevo miserable. Cuando Ganta recuerda su infancia con Shiro, Yo no puede mencionar lo que la había visto hacer.
엄청난 진동이 지나간 후 간타는 시로와 함께했던 기억이 되살아난다. 어딘가 이상한 면이 있지만 나를 도와주었던 어릴 적 친구. 이런 시로의 진짜 정체는 바로 레치드 에그!