Ganta lernt im Gefängnis Takami Yoh kennen, der ihn über die Strukturen der Anstalt aufklärt. Um im Deadman Wonderland zu überleben, braucht man Candy, eine Art Gegengift, das man nur in gefährlichen Kämpfen wie der "Dog Race Show" gewinnen kann. Ganta meldet sich zu dieser Show an und erkennt, was für eine Hölle dieses Gefängnis ist.
Ganta learns from a fellow inmate, Yō Takami, that in order to have a decent meal in the prison, he needs to earn Cast Points. He learns of a 'Dog Race' in which he can win a big prize, which he and Shiro decide to enter. In the lockerroom, they encounter a fierce inmate named Kazumasi Kouzuma who drives fear into the others until the warden silences him. Ganta soon learns that in order to avoid being killed by a poison, he needs to eat an antidote known as Candy, which was secretly stolen from his bag by Yō the other day. Ganta realises that in order to survive, he needs to win the race in order to purchase a new one, but he soon learns the course is littered with actual death traps. Thanks in part to Shiro's innocent manner, Ganta and Shiro make it to the final stage against Kasumasi where they have to hold onto a ball and avoid falling into a spike pit. Ganta decides to stand up to Kazumasi, who eventually falls to his death. In the closing moments of the round, Ganta is forced to sacrifice the ball, and the prize money, in order to keep Shiro from falling and keep their promise of eating the runner up prize together.
Ganta et sa nouvelle amie Shiro doivent participer à des combats à mort pour remporter un antidote contre un poison qui pourrait les tuer.
Il collare di ogni detenuto rilascia nel corpo di ciascuno un veleno che deve essere neutralizzato mangiando una caramella-antidoto ogni tre giorni. Ganta, avendo perso quella che gli era stata fornita al suo arrivo, decide di iscriversi con Shiro al Dog Race Show per poter guadagnare i cast point necessari ad acquistarne una.
Ganta aprende de un compañero de prisión, Yō Takami, que para tener una comida decente en la prisión, necesita ganar Puntos de Cast. Se entera de una 'Carrera de perros' en la que puede ganar un gran premio, en el que él y Shiro deciden participar. En el vestuario, se encuentran con un recluso feroz llamado Kazumasi Kouzuma, que conduce el miedo hacia los demás hasta que el alcaide lo silencia.
데드맨 원더랜드. 놀이공원으로 운영되는 이 교도소에서 죽음의 레이스가 펼쳐진다. 살기 위해 레이스에 참가하는 간타. 해독제를 사려면 꼭 우승해야 하는데 과연 가능할까.