The second preliminary match of the Inter High is Seiseki vs Minami Highschool. Thanks to Kazama's plays, Seiseki wins with a huge lead. The next day, Tsukushi is running the outer lap by himself because he wasn't allowed to play. His run is fueled by his desperate wish to stay on the Seiseki soccer team. Then come the semi-finals, where Seiseki is having trouble against Ariake's overly aggressive team..
Tsukamoto assiste depuis le banc des remplaçants à l’écrasante victoire de ses coéquipiers. Le lendemain, il enchaîne les tours de lycée, alors que l’entraîneur avait accordé une journée de repos à toute l’équipe...
Es hora de jugar la semifinal del torneo. Para variar, Tsukushi no participará en el partido desde el inicio, aunque nunca se sabe qué puede deparar el fútbol.