Daniel asks Nicole to stop the ferry from leaving, but is too late, he says he has to operate on Jennifer right now cause her appendix could burst. Hope overhears Sami about Nick and Gabi getting married, and asks Rafe what he feels about this. Will tells Sonny that this year he is totally in the Christmas spirit other then last year's. Nick gets on his knee and proposes to Gabi the proper way which she gladly accepts. E.J. asks Caroline if she approves of him and Sami working together at Countess Wilimena. Chad approaches Sonny and Will in the town square asking what they're talking about. Hope offers his blessing to both Nick and Gabi. Will listens as Johnny talking to Santa about where to deliver the presents cause they live indifferent places all the time. Sami offers to Gabi to plan the wedding of her dreams. Chad tells Sonny about Gabi's part in Melanie's kidnapping. Jennifer sees that Daniel performed the surgery and openly tells him she loves him.