All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Daniel's Birthday

    • September 3, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel's birthday cake is smushed during a bumpy ride on Trolley. Daniel, Prince Wednesday and Miss Elaina enjoy their picnic despite the rain.

  • S01E02 Daniel's Picnic

    • September 3, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel is nervous when he visits school for the first time. Daniel makes a book about his doctor to help calm his nerves before his checkup.

  • S01E03 Daniel Visits School

    • September 3, 2012
    • PBS

    Prince Tuesday comes to babysit Daniel Tiger while Mom Tiger and Dad Tiger go out dancing. As Daniel gets ready for bed, he misses his Mom and Dad, but Prince Tuesday reminds him that they will be back soon. And when Tige-y goes missing right before bedtime, Daniel learns what a grr-ific babysitter Prince Tuesday is. When Daniel joins the rest of his friends at school, he doesn't want his Dad to leave - until Dad Tiger reminds him that "grownups come back." Then, Miss Elaina loses her locket and misses her mom, Lady Elaine. The kids help Miss Elaina find the locket and enjoy the rest of the school day. After lunch, the grownups return to the school.

  • S01E04 Daniel Visits the Doctor

    • September 3, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger and Prince Wednesday are looking forward to playing at the beach. Then it starts to rain and Mom Tiger says they can't go outside, which makes them very mad. After Mom Tiger helps the boys deal with their mad feelings and they're calm, they come up with a grr-ific plan to make a beach - indoors.

  • S01E05 Daniel’s Babysitter

    • September 4, 2012
    • PBS

    Mom and Dad Tiger are going out for the evening, and Prince Tuesday comes to be Daniel’s babysitter. As Daniel gets ready for bed, he misses his Mom and Dad. But Prince Tuesday reminds him that his parents will be back soon. When Tigey goes missing right before bedtime, Daniel learns what a grr-ific babysitter Prince Tuesday is. And his trust continues to build when he sees that his parents do come back, just as they promised.

  • S01E06 Daniel Goes to School

    • September 4, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel joins his friends Prince Wednesday, Katerina Kittycat, O the Owl and Miss Elaina at school, but doesn’t want his Dad to leave, until Dad Tiger reminds him that ‘grownups come back.’ Miss Elaina is missing her mom and has lost her special locket with her mom’s picture in it. The children help Miss Elaina find her locket. Before long the school day is over and, just as promised, the grownups come back to take their children home.

  • S01E07 Daniel Gets Mad

    • September 5, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger and his friend Prince Wednesday are very excited to play at the beach today. But then it rains, and Mom Tiger says they cannot play outside, making them very mad. Mom Tiger helps the boys with their mad feelings and find ways to calm down and think. They take a deep breath, count to 4, and that helps them make a grr-ific new plan — to make an inside beach instead!

  • S01E08 Katerina Gets Mad

    • September 5, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends are excited to be able to try the new instruments at Music Man Stan’s Music Shop. But Katerina Kittycat really wants to play the triangle. She gets very,very mad when someone else picks the instrument she wants to play. Music Man Stan helps Katerina find ways to deal with her mad feelings – like taking a deep breath, counting to 4 – and then dancing and stomping and singing.

  • S01E09 Prince Wednesday Finds a Way to Play

    • September 6, 2012
    • PBS

    Friends Daniel and Katerina Kittycat are playing “house” today at school. Prince Wednesday wants to play too, but he wants to be a loud dinosaur. Katerina tells him that loud dinosaurs are not allowed! He’ll wake the baby! The friends work on finding a way to play together, and Prince Wednesday joins in by pretending to be a quiet, friendly dinosaur.

  • S01E10 Finding a Way to Play

    • September 6, 2012
    • PBS

    Friends Daniel and O the Owl are at Miss Elaina’s house in the Museum-Go-Round today. She’s very excited because she has planned a special “backwards day.” But O isn’t excited about this backward play – in fact he’s quite uncomfortable about so many backward things. With the help of Miss Elaina’s father, Music Man Stan, the friends find a way to play together.

  • S01E11 Daniel and Miss Elaina Play Rocketship

    • September 7, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel has come to play with Miss Elaina today! They decide to play “outer space,” but Miss Elaina gets upset when her cardboard telescope and spaceship accidentally break. Her mother, Lady Elaine, helps the friends see that they can still have fun together, even without the toys – just because they’re friends! They use their imaginations to keep playing, which is just as much fun!

  • S01E12 Daniel Plays at the Castle

    • September 7, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel is visiting Prince Wednesday at the Castle and Daniel is excited about all the things Prince Wednesday has in his room – especially his rock collection. But the rocks aren’t for playing – they’re just for looking. Daniel and Prince Wednesday learn that friendship is about more than just playing with each other’s toys – it’s about being together!

  • S01E13 Friends Help Each Other

    • September 10, 2012
    • PBS

    Katerina is having a tea party for her stuffed animals which she made all by herself, but when the party begins she makes a few mistakes, making her sad (Knocking the plastic cups and saucers off the table and spilling water everywhere). But Daniel helps out to cheer her up and Katerina realizes that it's always fun when friends help each other.

  • S01E14 Daniel Helps O Tell a Story

    • September 10, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel and O use their imaginations to finish a story when the last page in a dinosaur book they read goes missing.

  • S01E15 Something Special for Dad

    • September 11, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel, his mother, and Mr. McFeely send Daniel's father a letter after seeing how happy a letter from Grandpere made him when they go around the neighborhood delivering mail.

  • S01E16 I Love You, Mom

    • September 11, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel and his father go to Baker Aker's bakery to bake banana bread for Mom.

  • S01E17 A Trip to the Enchanted Garden

    • September 12, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel and his parents pick strawberries in the Enchanted Garden.

  • S01E18 A Trip to the Crayon Factory

    • September 12, 2012
    • PBS

    O is sick and can't come to the crayon factory with Daniel and his friends, so Daniel's father takes pictures of the trip for him and Daniel brings home a crayon as a get well gift for O.

  • S01E19 Daniel Shares his Tigertastic Car

    • September 13, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel isn't sure he wants to share his new toy car with Prince Wednesday until his dad suggests they could take turns playing with it.

  • S01E20 Katerina Shares Her Tutu

    • September 13, 2012
    • PBS

    Katerina shares her ballet tutu with Daniel in order to put on a jungle dance for Henrietta Pussycat, her mother. Daniel uses the tutu for a lion's mane and Katerina takes a turn using it to be a flower.

  • S01E21 Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty

    • September 17, 2012
    • PBS

    Prince Wednesday is in the block corner at school building the “tallest tower in the world!” Even though he needs to go to the bathroom, he doesn’t want to stop what he is doing. He learns how important it is to stop and go right away.

  • S01E22 Daniel Goes to the Potty

    • September 17, 2012
    • PBS

    Dad’s trumpet is broken, so he takes Daniel along to Music Man Stan’s Shop to get it fixed. While at the shop, Daniel needs to use the bathroom, but thinks he will have to wait until they get home. Music Man Stan explains that everyone goes to the bathroom, and Daniel learns that he can use the bathroom there – or anywhere else in the neighborhood!

  • S01E23 Fruit Picking Day

    • September 18, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends are enjoying a Fruit Festival in the Enchanted Garden. Prince Wednesday grows upset because his big brother Prince Tuesday can pick the highest fruit off the tree branches, but he can’t. He wishes he wasn’t so little! Then, when the festival-goers spot a very special magical golden pear on the ground, Prince Wednesday is the only one little enough to reach it.

  • S01E24 Daniel Is Big Enough to Help Dad

    • September 18, 2012
    • PBS

    Dad Tiger is building a playhouse, and Daniel wants to help out. Daniel is frustrated that he is not big enough to use the grown up tools. Dad Tiger shows Daniel that there are things he can do to help that he’s just the right size for.

  • S01E25 Daniel Waits for Show-And-Tell

    • October 5, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel is so excited to share a book he made with his class at “show and tell,” but he’s finding it very difficult to wait. He finds that singing on Trolley, playing during science time and imagining make the waiting much easier!

  • S01E26 A Night Out At The Restaurant

    • October 5, 2012
    • PBS

    Daniel and his family are going out to dinner, and Katerina is coming too. Daniel and Katerina have a hard time waiting at the restaurant, but soon learn ways to make the waiting time easier…and even fun!

  • S01E27 Thank You, Grandpere Tiger!

    • October 25, 2012
    • PBS

    Grandpere Tiger comes to visit, but is only in town for a short while. Daniel is sad that Grandpere can’t come to the special Thank You Day celebration later that day. Daniel learns to be thankful for the time they DO have together, and is then surprised when Grandpere appears at the celebration after all!

  • S01E28 Neighborhood Thank You Day

    • October 25, 2012
    • PBS

    The neighborhood celebrates Thank You Day by putting notes in the Thank You Tree. Daniel has trouble deciding what to put in his note. Then, when a gust of wind blows the notes off of the tree, Mr. McFeely saves the day by catching and delivering everybody’s thank you notes!

  • S01E29 The Neighborhood Votes

    • October 26, 2012
    • PBS

    The Tiger family is going to Clock Factory Park today to hear a big announcement from King Friday. Daniel has to make several choices throughout the day, culminating in one BIG group decision: King Friday announces that the kids can choose one new piece of playground equipment and everyone gets to speak up for what they want by voting!

  • S01E30 The Class Votes

    • October 26, 2012
    • PBS

    At school, Daniel and his classmates get to choose their new class pet! Teacher Harriet explains that they can either get a bunny or a turtle. The kids learn what it means to ‘vote’ and that sometimes it doesn’t always turn out your way. Luckily, ALL of the kids find something to love about their new pet, ‘Snowball’!

  • S01E31 Be a Vegetable Taster!

    • November 19, 2012
    • PBS

    Teacher Harriet introduces Daniel and his friends to the school’s vegetable garden and convinces them to pick out some healthy veggies for their snack. They explore the garden, picking and trying different vegetables…with mixed results!

  • S01E32 Daniel Tries a New Food

    • November 19, 2012
    • PBS

    Miss Elaina is having dinner with the Tiger family and she encourages Daniel to try some new food: Veggie Spaghetti and Banana Swirl. Daniel is convinced he won’t like Veggie Spaghettit, even though he’s never tried it before. Miss Elaina encourages him to be adventurous and try the new food. She does the same herself, and even though she doesn’t like all of it, she’s proud of herself for trying.

  • S01E33 Good Morning, Daniel!

    • December 17, 2012
    • PBS

    It’s a typical morning in the Tiger household, and Daniel has to get up for school but his playing and imagining distract him from his routine. Daniel learns that his morning routine helps him be ready in time for Trolley to take him to school.

  • S01E34 Goodnight, Daniel!

    • December 17, 2012
    • PBS

    Tonight, Daniel is pretending to be Super Daniel! But after dinner, he has to follow his nighttime routine even though he would rather play. Young viewers follow Daniel as he gets ready for bed and eventually he learns that even super heroes get sleepy.

  • S01E35 Daniel Plays Ball

    • February 11, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel, Miss Elaina and Prince Wednesday are at the park with Prince Tuesday. They decide to play a game with a ball. Daniel struggles to catch the ball and gets very frustrated. All of his friends remind him to keep on trying and finally, he succeeds!

  • S01E36 O Builds a Tower

    • February 11, 2013
    • PBS

    In the block corner at school, O the Owl is determined to use all of the blocks to build the tallest tower in the world. After many failed attempts, he is frustrated, but Teacher Harriet and O's friends encourage him to try once again.

  • S01E37 Daniel Gets a Shot

    • February 1, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel has an appointment at the doctor today and he has to get a shot. He is very apprehensive and does not want to go. So Daniel asks Mom Tiger questions about the shot, and she shares her trick for staying brave in scary situations. And Daniel finds that the shot was not so bad after all!

  • S01E38 A Stormy Day

    • February 1, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and O the Owl are having fun playing outside in the rain until a thunderstorm builds up and worries them. When Mom Tiger teaches them to think of something happy, O and Daniel learn that the thunderstorm is not so scary after all!

  • S01E39 Daniel's Sleepover

    • February 12, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and his parents go to Prince Wednesday’s castle for a family sleepover. When Daniel and Prince Wednesday go through their bedtime routines together, Daniel realizes how different it is sleeping at Prince Wednesday’s castle. As bedtime nears, Daniel and Prince Wednesday notice some things that are just a little bit scary…but they soon learn that once they investigate further, they actually aren’t scary at all!

  • S01E40 Backyard Camping

    • February 12, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and O the Owl are camping in the yard with Dad Tiger and O is a little hesitant to sleep in this unfamiliar setting. However, once he examines this new setting closely, he learns that it's not so scary! In fact, different can be fun!

  • S01E41 You are Special

    • February 14, 2013
    • PBS

    The children are putting on a show at school today, each doing something that makes them special. O the Owl wants to be just like the others and, with a little encouragement, he learns that owls are special too.

  • S01E42 Daniel is Special

    • February 14, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and Dad take a fall walk through the neighborhood, admiring the colors of the leaves. On their way, they meet Miss Elaina and O the Owl who each do special things that make Daniel wonder if he is as special as they are. Dad reminds Daniel of the things that make him special, like his whimsical imagination!

  • S01E43 The Dragon Dance

    • April 1, 2013
    • PBS

    In school, the children are all helping Teacher Harriet with a big art project: creating a dancing dragon! Everyone is eager to finish so the dragon can dance, but they learn that they need to work together so the big project can be finished.

  • S01E44 Teacher Harriet's Birthday

    • April 1, 2013
    • PBS

    It’s Teacher Harriet's birthday! Mom Tiger helps the children surprise her by decorating the classroom with streamers and making a birthday present while she is gone. The children learn that cooperation is necessary to pull off the surprise.

  • S01E45 Clean Up Time

    • April 22, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and O the Owl are playing “farm” at Daniel’s house. They are having a lot of fun, but are making quite a mess! After losing his watch in a messy room, Daniel realizes that cleaning up and putting his toys away will help him find it.

  • S01E46 Neighborhood Clean Up

    • April 22, 2013
    • PBS

    A wind storm has made a mess of the Neighborhood playground and no one can play. When King Friday proclaims that it is Clean Up Day, everyone helps restore the playground by throwing out and recycling the trash. The children learn that by working together, the playground can be ready for play again in no time!

  • S01E47 Play Pretend

    • May 3, 2013
    • PBS

    Teacher Harriet shows the children a big cardboard box and asks them what they think it could be. Daniel and Miss Elaina have fun pretending the box is a space ship and a jungle boat, but O the Owl just sees a big cardboard box. With a little help from his friends, O discovers how much fun it is to pretend!

  • S01E48 Super Daniel!

    • May 3, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and Grandpere are at home pretending to be superheroes when Daniel notices that Dad has forgotten to take his lunch to work with him. He and Grandpere take Dad's lunchbox to the Clock Factory and Daniel uses his imagination to have several super adventures along the way.

  • S01E49 Daniel Uses His Words

    • May 20, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel is playing “farm” today, but when Mom Tiger is cleaning up, she accidentally ruins Daniel's game. Grrr! Mom teaches Daniel to express his feelings so she can understand why he is upset. Once Daniel uses his words, Mom helps him rebuild his farm.

  • S01E50 All Aboard

    • May 20, 2013
    • PBS

    The kids are playing "train" at school, but things aren't going Katerina's way. Meow! Soon, Katerina learns that people will not be able to help her if they don't understand why she is upset. When she explains her feelings, the children know how to help so that they can all play happily together!

  • S01E51 The Royal Sandbox

    • May 21, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and Prince Wednesday are making sand pies in the sandbox. They decide to top off a sand pie with Prince Tuesday's royal crown, but they soon see that this wasn’t such a good idea. They learn how to apologize to Prince Tuesday and make the situation better – by helping clean the crown and promising to ask first next time.

  • S01E52 Daniel Says I'm Sorry

    • May 21, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel, Katerina and Miss Elaina are playing cars at school, until Miss Elaina accidentally upsets Daniel. Teacher Harriet helps the children learn how to apologize to a friend. Later, when Daniel accidentally upsets Katerina, he knows just what he needs to do!

  • S01E53 It's Time to Go

    • May 22, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel, O the Owl and Katerina are playing "library" at the Treehouse. When it’s time for them to go home, Katerina and Daniel have trouble leaving because they are having so much fun! Choosing one more thing to do before they leave helps make their transition a little easier.

  • S01E54 Daniel Doesn't Want to Stop Playing

    • May 22, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel is playing "Trolley" with Mom and Dad in the living room. When Mom tells him that it's time to work on his school project, Daniel doesn't want to stop playing. Mom helps Daniel move on by allowing him to pick one more thing to do with his toy Trolley. Daniel makes one last stop and then he’s ready to work on his project.

  • S01E55 Safety Patrol

    • July 15, 2013
    • PBS

    Today at school, the children are learning about traffic signs. Prince Tuesday comes for a special visit, wearing his crossing guard uniform. He takes the class on a walk through the Neighborhood and they practice their safety rules all along the way.

  • S01E56 Safety at the Beach

    • July 15, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and Katerina are playing on Jungle Beach with Mom Tiger. The children get a bit carried away by their treasure hunting play and they drift too far away from Mom. They learn that to stay safe near the water, they need to stop and listen!

  • S01E57 Neighbor Day

    • September 2, 2013
    • PBS

    In this half hour special Daniel learns how good it feels to be neighborly and that one kind act can lead to many. His first good deed starts a chain reaction of kindness all around the Neighborhood, culminating with the declaration of "Neighbor Day"!

  • S01E58 Calm at the Clock Factory

    • September 3, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends are visiting Dad Tiger's Clock Factory. Daniel is so excited to show off his dad and the clocks he makes that he is having trouble staying calm. He learns that there are places where you need to be calm and places where it's okay to be silly.

  • S01E59 Calm for Storytime

    • September 3, 2013
    • PBS

    The children are going to the Neighborhood Library for story time and all the excitement has made them feel a bit silly. Prince Wednesday has a hard time getting calm for the library, but discovers that there are times to be calm and times when it's more than okay to be silly.

  • S01E60 Daniel's New Friend

    • September 27, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and Miss Elaina meet Prince Wednesday’s cousin Chrissie during a playdate at the castle. As they play “knights,” they discover that, although Chrissie needs some help walking, they are the same in many ways.

  • S01E61 Same and Different

    • September 27, 2013
    • PBS

    While Daniel is playing dress up with his friends at school, he feels different when he realizes that not everyone has a tail like him. He learns that everyone has differences, but that these are the things that make us unique.

  • S01E62 Katerina's Costume

    • October 28, 2013
    • PBS

    Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. While Daniel and Miss Elaina know exactly what they want to be, Katerina is having a harder time deciding on just the right costume. Eventually she comes up with a very clever idea!

  • S01E63 Dress Up Day

    • October 28, 2013
    • PBS

    It's Dress Up Day in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe and it's time for the annual main street parade! The children visit all the stores, showing off their fancy costumes and receiving different stickers from their neighbors.

  • S01E64 Snowflake Day

    • November 25, 2013
    • PBS

    In this thirty minute holiday musical episode, the Neighborhood is celebrating Snowflake Day! Daniel has a very important role as the snowflake in the Neighborhood’s Snowflake Day Show and he can’t wait to say his lines! The Enchanted Garden is full of excitement and winter cheer as everyone pitches in to make the celebration a true Neighborhood success!

  • S01E65 A Snowy Day

    • December 2, 2013
    • PBS

    It's snowing in the Neighborhood! Miss Elaina is coming over to Daniel's house to play in the snow. When it's time to go outside, Mom Tiger helps Daniel change out of his pajamas into clothes that will keep him warm and he learns how important it is to choose the proper clothes.

  • S01E66 Tutu All the Time

    • December 2, 2013
    • PBS

    Katerina is wearing her favorite sparkly tutu at school today! She likes to wear it all the time, even when she's painting and playing "grizzly bear" with her friends. But she soon learns how important it is to choose the proper clothes for the things you want to do.

  • S01E67 Daniel Gets a Cold

    • January 20, 2014
    • PBS

    It's Prince Wednesday's birthday party at school! Daniel really doesn't want to miss the party, but he is not feeling very well at all. He learns that when you're sick, rest is best.

  • S01E68 Mom Tiger Is Sick

    • January 20, 2014
    • PBS

    It's a busy day at Daniel's house and everyone is working on something. Mom Tiger is finishing up invitations for Fruit Picking Day, but...achoo! She's not feeling very well. Dad and Daniel help with the invitations so Mom Tiger can get some much needed rest.

  • S01E69 Duckling Goes Home

    • February 17, 2014
    • PBS

    Today at school, the children find out that Ducky has grown too big to be their classroom pet and it's time to take him back to the farm. This news is very upsetting, especially to Daniel and Miss Elaina. The children cope with their sadness in different ways and soon they feel a little bit better.

  • S01E70 Daniel Feels Left Out

    • February 17, 2014
    • PBS

    On their way home from the Neighborhood grocery store, Dad and Daniel stop by the Treehouse to say "hello." O the Owl and Katerina Kittycat have been playing together all day, and are even going to have dinner together. When it is time to go home with Dad, Daniel feels left out and sad. Back at home, Mom and Dad Tiger help Daniel with his sad feelings and he soon feels a bit better.

  • S01E71 Daniel Gets Frustrated

    • February 18, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel is staying at home with Mom Tiger today. He really wants to play with Prince Wednesday, but he is visiting his cousin Chrissie. He asks Mom if they can go to Music Man Stan's shop, but they can't because it is closed. Daniel gets really frustrated when it seems like he's unable to do anything he wants to do. With some guidance from Mom, Daniel learns how to work through his frustration.

  • S01E72 Frustration at School

    • February 18, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends are playing "restaurant" at school and Daniel feels frustrated when he can't find the toy he is looking for. Teacher Harriet helps him realize that the right thing to do is to take a step back and ask for help.

  • S01E73 Daniel is Jealous

    • February 19, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel and Katerina are playing "airplane" with Grandpere. Daniel thinks Katerina is getting too much attention from Grandpere and starts to feel jealous. Daniel explains his feelings and is reassured that he is Grandpere's one and only Daniel.

  • S01E74 Jealousy at the Treehouse

    • February 19, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel and Katerina are at O the Owl's house today, playing with his new science kit. Daniel and Katerina feel jealous of O because they want science tools just like his. After talking about their feelings, the children realize how they can all enjoy O's special science kit.

  • S01E75 Someone Else's Feelings

    • February 20, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel and O the Owl are pretending to be handymen. Daniel is having lots of fun hammering loudly, but it's upsetting O. Mom helps Daniel be empathetic. Daniel remembers a time when he was upset and doesn't want O to feel this way. He realizes that they can both have fun as quiet handymen!

  • S01E76 Empathy at School

    • February 20, 2014
    • PBS

    Chrissie and Daniel are playing together at school today, but when Chrissie loses her special bracelet, she doesn't feel like playing anymore. Daniel has trouble understanding why until Teacher Harriet shows him how to be empathetic and think about how Chrissie may be feeling. Daniel remembers just how worried he was when he thought he had lost Tigey, and decides to stop playing and help find the bracelet.

  • S01E77 Line Leader Daniel

    • February 21, 2014
    • PBS

    The children are getting new classroom jobs at school. Daniel really wants to be line leader! When he doesn't get the job he wanted, Daniel is disappointed. Soon he learns that all of the jobs are necessary to keep the classroom running smoothly.

  • S01E78 Neighborhood Jobs

    • February 21, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel and Mom Tiger are visiting the library today. Unfortunately, X the Owl isn't feeling very well and needs to go to the doctor. Daniel learns the importance of all the Neighborhood jobs when he and Mom Tiger fill in as librarian for X so he can go see Dr. Anna.

Season 2

  • S02E01 The Tiger Family Grows

    • August 18, 2014
    • PBS

    While the Tiger family prepares for a new baby, Daniel learns about what it means to be a big brother -- and a big helper, too.

  • S02E02 Daniel Learns about Being a Big Brother

    • August 18, 2014
    • PBS

    Helping to prepare the new baby's room, Daniel is reluctant to give up his old belongings.

  • S02E03 The Baby Is Here

    • August 18, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel's new sister Margaret arrives and is welcomed by everyone. ** This Episode is double the length of a normal episode - Run Time: 00:26:30 **

  • S02E04 Time for Daniel

    • August 19, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel becomes upset when his father spends time taking care of baby Margaret instead of playing with him.

  • S02E05 There's Time for Daniel and Baby Too

    • August 19, 2014
    • PBS

    When Prince Wednesday wants to play with the baby instead of Daniel, Daniel becomes upset.

  • S02E06 Playtime Is Different

    • August 20, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel wants to play restaurant with O and Katerina, but baby Margaret is curious and keeps interrupting.

  • S02E07 The Playground Is Different With Baby

    • August 20, 2014
    • PBS

    Mom and Dad Tiger help Daniel include baby Margaret at the playground.

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Meet the New Baby

    • August 18, 2014
    • PBS

    In this hourlong special combining the first three episodes of Season 2, we meet Daniel's little sister Margaret, and the Tiger family must learn to adjust to life with a new kid around the house.

  • S02E08 Daniel Fixes Trolley

    • November 3, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel tries to repair a broken trolley on his own

  • S02E09 Problem Solver Daniel

    • November 3, 2014
    • PBS

    When Daniel and Miss Elaina accidentally break a toy at school, Teacher Harriet suggests they work out a solution themselves. Try to solve the problem yourself, and you'll feel proud!

  • S02E10 Daniel's Friends Say No

    • November 17, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel feels frustrated when Miss Elaina doesn't want to play with him. Sometimes, friends don't feel like playing with you. That's okay because playing by yourself is fun, too!

  • S02E11 Prince Wednesday Doesn't Want to Play

    • November 17, 2014
    • PBS

    While Prince Wednesday and Prince Tuesday are having their "brother time", Daniel and O the Owl make their own fun together.

  • S02E12 Daniel's Winter Adventure

    • December 17, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel and Prince Wednesday go sledding with Dad Tiger and Prince Tuesday. When they see how tall the hill is, Daniel and Prince Wednesday get scared. Dad Tiger comforts them by suggesting they try it a little bit at a time. Later on, Daniel tries to ice skate, also a little bit at a time. He feels happy that he didn't let his fear stop him from doing something that turned out to be so mluch fun.

  • S02E13 Neighborhood Nutcracker

    • December 17, 2014
    • PBS

    Daniel is excited to see the Nutcracker Ballet! But when he gets to the show, he finds out that Prince Wednesday is sick and can't perform. The prince asks Daniel to take his place. Daniel is scared at first but soon realizes that if he learns the steps a little at a time, they will be easy to master. The show can go on!

  • S02E14 It's Love Day!

    • February 9, 2015
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends dance, sing and tell jokes that show their love and care for each other

  • S02E15 Daniel's Love Day Surprise

    • February 9, 2015
    • PBS

    Daniel hides hearts around the house to show his love for Grandpere.

  • S02E16 Daniel Explores Nature

    • April 20, 2015
    • PBS

    It’s a beautiful day in the Neighborhood! Daniel and his family are spending the day outside exploring, when Daniel spots a beautiful red bird. As they watch the busy bird, they learn about how a bird’s nest is built. But when the nest falls out of the tree, will Daniel and Katerina be able to help?

  • S02E17 Daniel's Nature Walk

    • April 20, 2015
    • PBS

    Daniel goes on a nature walk in the forest with O the Owl and Uncle X. There's so much to explore!

  • S02E18 Miss Elaina Gets Hurt

    • June 1, 2015
    • PBS

    Daniel and Miss Elaina are having fun playing at Miss Elaina's house. During their playing, they both get hurt, but Daniel doesn't want to admit he's hurt. Lady Elaine comes in and fixes their boo-boos, telling them when they are hurt, they should find a grown up to help make them feel better.

  • S02E19 Daniel Feels Better

    • June 1, 2015
    • PBS

    Daniel and Margaret are playing "Chase" when Daniel trips over his toy car and hurts his ankle. He is nervous to go see Doctor Anna, but starts feeling better once he learns she is the best person to go to when injured. He learns about X-rays, and learns he sprained his ankle.

  • S02E20 Daniel Can't Ride Trolley

    • June 22, 2015
    • PBS

    Mom explains to Daniel that he can't always get what he wants but shows him a way to feel better.

  • S02E21 Daniel Can't Get What He Wants

    • June 22, 2015
    • PBS

    Dad assures Daniel that it's ok to feel frustrated.

  • S02E22 Nighttime in the Neighborhood

    • September 7, 2015
    • PBS

    Two Segments: Daniel and friends attend a pajama party at the library.

  • S02E23 A Storm in the Neighborhood

    • September 8, 2015
    • PBS

    An impending big storm frightens the children, but the adults have a plan to keep everyone safe.

  • S02E24 After the Neighborhood Storm

    • September 8, 2015
    • PBS

    After the storm passes, Daniel and his friends are shocked by the damage done to the neighbood.

  • S02E25 Margaret's First Chime Time

    • September 9, 2015
    • PBS

    The Tigers take Margaret to the clock factory for her first "chime time" and, on the way, Daniel notices how other families spend time together.

  • S02E26 Tiger Family Fun

    • September 9, 2015
    • PBS

    The Tigers visit the Enchanted Garden, where they join Miss Elaina's family for one of their traditions: pick-your-own-dinner.

  • S02E27 Looking for Snowball

    • September 10, 2015
    • PBS

    The neighborhood comes together to search for Snowball, the class pet, when he goes missing.

  • S02E28 Daniel's Neighbors Help

    • September 10, 2015
    • PBS

    The neighbors look in on the Tigers when the family falls ill.

  • S02E29 Daniel Makes A Mistake

    • February 15, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel accidentally knocks a basket of objects off the table.

  • S02E30 Baking Mistakes

    • February 15, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and Prince Wednesday learn that they can try to fix their mistakes and learn from them too.

  • S02E31 Daniel Thinks of Others

    • February 16, 2016
    • PBS

    While making a picture for his family, Daniel ends up using ALL of the glitter.

  • S02E32 Daniel Thinks of What Margaret Needs

    • February 16, 2016
    • PBS

    Oh no! Daniel and Miss Elaina want to play their musical instruments but Margaret needs to sleep.

  • S02E33 Daniel Takes Care of Snowball

    • February 17, 2016
    • PBS

    It's Daniels turn to take care of Snowball, the class pet.

  • S02E34 Margaret's Bathtime

    • February 17, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel is at home playing with his toy horse when Mom asks him to help her give Margaret a bath.

  • S02E35 Friends and Feelings

    • February 18, 2016
    • PBS

    Prince Wednesday won't stop pretending to be a scary bear and this makes Daniel feel mad.

  • S02E36 Daniel's Day of Many Feelings

    • February 18, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel identifies his many feelings as the day unfolds.

  • S02E37 Daniel and Margaret Visit the Farm

    • July 4, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and his family are visiting a farm.

  • S02E38 Fireflies and Fireworks

    • July 4, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and his family are having a picnic to watch the fireworks. Margaret gets scared of them, but she knows she can grab her big brother's hand when she is scared.

Season 3

  • S03E01 No Red Sweater for Daniel

    • September 5, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel worries about how he looks when he has to wear a different sweater because his red one is in the wash.

  • S03E02 Teacher Harriet's New Hairdo

    • September 5, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel is taken aback when Teacher Harriet sports a new hairstyle.

  • S03E03 Sharing at the Library

    • September 6, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and O share a book that they both wanted to check out from the library.

  • S03E04 Daniel Shares with Margaret

    • September 6, 2016
    • PBS

    Grandpere gives Daniel a special sticker book that Margaret wants to play with, too.

  • S03E05 Daniel's Allergy

    • September 7, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel discovers that he's allergic to peaches.

  • S03E06 Allergies at School

    • September 7, 2016
    • PBS

    At school, Daniel's teacher and friends help him avoid peaches.

  • S03E07 Daniel Makes a Noisemaker

    • September 8, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and Katerina play "super hero helpers" with the help of Baby Margaret's rattle.

  • S03E08 Daniel Makes the Neighborhood

    • September 8, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel, Prince Wednesday and Miss Elaina take their stuffed toys on a trolley ride through a pretend neighborhood.

  • S03E09 The Neighborhood Fall Festival

    • September 9, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and friends lend a hand to Music Man Stan after a gust of wind knocks down his Fall Festival decorations.

  • S03E10 Field Day at School

    • September 9, 2016
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends try new games at Fall Field Day.

  • S03E11 Daniel and O's Road Trip

    • January 16, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel and O pretend to go on a Trolley road trip, but they can't agree on where to travel to first.

  • S03E12 Daniel's Puppet Plan

    • January 16, 2017
    • PBS

    When Daniel and his friends are making puppets at the library, they find out that making a plan can help them put on a grr-ific puppet show!

  • S03E13 Daniel and Margaret Play School

    • January 17, 2017
    • PBS

    Teacher Daniel is playing "school" today, but his "student," Baby Margaret, just won't cooperate!

  • S03E14 Treasure Hunt at the Castle

    • January 17, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel, Prince Wednesday and Chrissie are playing at the Castle, and they just can't agree on what to play.

  • S03E15 Daniel's Happy Song

    • January 18, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel is so happy because his friends are coming over to play! As they play with their stuffies, Daniel teaches his friends his happy song and they all sing along!

  • S03E16 Prince Wednesday's Happy Birthday

    • January 18, 2017
    • PBS

    Happy Birthday, Prince Wednesday! Daniel heads to the castle for Prince Wednesday's birthday party, and feels happy to be with his friends, play games and eat royally yummy birthday cake.

  • S03E17 The Lemonade Stand

    • May 9, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel and Prince Wednesday are making a lemonade stand together. But when they don't agree about how to hand out the lemonade, they need to learn to express their mad feelings so they can find a solution?and provide lemonade for their neighbors!

  • S03E18 Mad At The Beach

    • May 9, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel is at the beach with Miss Elaina and they're building a sandcastle. Suddenly, the creation they worked so hard to make gets knocked down by a wave, and that makes them mad, mad, MAD! Dad teaches the kids that it helps to express your mad feelings.

  • S03E19 Daniel Feels Two Feelings

    • May 11, 2017
    • PBS

    Up, up and away! Daniel, Katerina, and O are excited to fly a kite, but get frustrated when they can't keep the kite in the air.

  • S03E20 The Neighborhood Carnival

    • May 11, 2017
    • PBS

    The Neighborhood Carnival is in town and Daniel can't stop thinking about riding the Ferris wheel for the very first time. But when he gets to the carnival, he feels both excited and scared. Will Daniel ride the Ferris wheel or wait until next year?

  • S03E21 Tiger Family Trip

    • May 26, 2017
    • PBS

    In an all-new one-hour special, the Tiger Family heads out on a road trip to Grandpere’s! At first, Daniel doesn’t know what to expect on the ride, but with a helpful map from Mom Tiger, Daniel learns that there are so many exciting things to do and see when you’re on a trip with your family!

  • S03E22 Visiting Grandpere

    • May 26, 2017
    • PBS

    While visiting Grandpere, Daniel notices all of the things that are different and all of the things that are the same at his house.

  • S03E23 The Tiger Family Goes Back Home

    • May 26, 2017
    • PBS

    Grandpere takes Daniel on a special sunrise boat ride before the Tiger family heads home.

  • S03E24 Daniel's Bicycle

    • July 10, 2017
    • PBS

    Dad Tiger gives Daniel his old bicycle and Daniel is eager to ride it. Daniel quickly realizes that riding his bike is not easy, but even with a few bumps in the road, he keeps on trying.

  • S03E25 Katerina's Magic Trick

    • July 10, 2017
    • PBS

    Katerina is learning how to do a magic trick, but is frustrated when she doesn't get it right. She soon realizes that if she keeps trying, she'll feel proud!

  • S03E26 Daniel Goes To Sleep

    • July 11, 2017
    • PBS

    It's time for Daniel to go to sleep, but there's just one problem, he's not feeling sleepy! Daniel learns how to get calm and relax his body for bed.

  • S03E27 Prince Wednesday Sleeps Over

    • July 11, 2017
    • PBS

    Prince Wednesday is coming over for a grr-ific sleepover. But when the boys just want to stay up and play, their babysitter, Prince Tuesday, helps them wind down for bed.

  • S03E28 Daniel Takes His Time

    • July 12, 2017
    • PBS

    Grandpere is visiting Daniel and they are baking raisin bread together. Daniel learns that sometimes it's good to take your time and it can be worth the wait.

  • S03E29 Sometimes It's Good To Go Slow

    • July 12, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel's class is going on a nature walk. The group learns that sometimes it's good to go slow: seeing, hearing, and smelling the environment around you. You never know what you'll find!

  • S03E30 King Daniel for the Day

    • September 4, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger is curious about what it's like to be King. There's only one way to find out? King Friday makes Daniel 'King for the Day'! On his royal mission, Daniel discovers that the most important part of being King is being kind to his neighbors.

  • S03E31 Firefighters at School

    • September 5, 2017
    • PBS

    The volunteer firefighters of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe make a special visit to school. Daniel and his friends discover that a person can be many different things - a doctor and a firefighter - even at the same time!

  • S03E32 Daniel's Doll

    • September 5, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel receives a new doll from his Grandpere and he can't wait to pretend to be the daddy. When Katerina and O insist that Daniel pretends to be Tigey the Adventure Tiger instead, Daniel reminds them that you can be more than one thing.

  • S03E33 Daniel's Very Different Day

    • September 6, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel was expecting to have a special picnic at Katerina's house, but the day doesn't turn out quite as he had planned. Daniel learns how to adapt when his routine changes.

  • S03E34 Class Trip to the Library

    • September 6, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends are excited to go on a field trip to the library, but they arrive to find that it's closed. Together, they learn that sometimes plans may change, but they can do things in a different way!

  • S03E35 Daniel Loves Tigey

    • September 7, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel gets upset when Margaret spills juice on his favorite stuffed animal, Tigey. Daniel learns how he can make himself feel better when he's upset.

  • S03E36 Daniel Needs Tigey at School

    • September 7, 2017
    • PBS

    Daniel is having a hard day at school, but he knows just how to make himself feel better: by hugging Tigey!

  • S03E37 Daniel's Fish Dies

    • February 26, 2018
    • PBS

    When Daniel's pet fish dies, he begins to ask questions about what happened to help him understand what death means, and how to handle the emotions that often come with losing someone you love.

  • S03E38 Daniel's Strawberry Seeds

    • February 26, 2018
    • PBS
  • S03E39 Daniel Wants To Be Alone

    • May 7, 2018
    • PBS
  • S03E40 Daniel's Alone Space

    • May 7, 2018
    • PBS
  • S03E41 Daniel Gets Mad At Dad

    • May 8, 2018
    • PBS

    On their way to the Post Office, Dad tells Daniel he cannot play at the playground and he gets angry.

  • S03E42 Daniel Gets Mad At His Friends

    • May 8, 2018
    • PBS

    Miss Elaina and Daniel damage Daniel's project, and he gets mad.

  • S03E43 Daniel Doesn't Want To Go Potty

    • May 9, 2018
    • PBS
  • S03E44 Daniel Sits On The Potty

    • May 9, 2018
    • PBS
  • S03E45 Circle Time Squabble

    • July 9, 2018
    • PBS

    At school, Daniel gets so mad at Miss Elaina that he wants to push her. Instead, he remembers the importance of self-control and how to stop himself from hurting a friend.

  • S03E46 It's Not Okay to Hurt Someone

    • July 9, 2018
    • PBS

    Farmer Daniel gets mad when Margaret knocks down his fence. Daniel learns that it's okay to be angry, but it's never okay to hurt someone.

  • S03E47 Daniel Learns About Lizards

    • July 10, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel and Prince Wednesday discover a small lizard in Daniel's backyard. They have a lot of questions about the lizard. When they wonder and explore, they learn so many new things.

  • S03E48 Daniel Wonders About Trolley

    • July 10, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends learn more about their favorite Neighborhood Trolley!

  • SPECIAL 0x2 The Daniel Tiger Movie: Won't You Be Our Neighbor

    • September 17, 2018

    Daniel Tiger, Mom Tiger and Dad Tiger welcome a new family into the neighborhood, with Daniel lending an extra hand to help make them feel at home.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Daniel Finds Something to Do

    • July 11, 2018
    • PBS

    Tiger is working, but Daniel really wants her to play with him. She explains to Daniel that when she is busy, he can find something to do by himself. Daniel learns that he can have fun all on his own, by using his creativity and imagination.

  • S04E02 Daniel's Royal Good Time

    • July 11, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends are playing together at the castle, but when the grown-ups are busy working, they don't know what they should do next. The kids look around for something fun to do and come up with silly games to play while the grown-ups are occupied.

  • S04E03 Daniel's Lunch

    • July 12, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel is excited to eat the special lunch Dad Tiger made for him - an egg salad sandwich! When Miss Elaina declares she doesn't like egg salad, Daniel gets upset. They learn that it's okay to like different things, but they should always be kind to one another.

  • S04E04 Daniel's Toy

    • July 12, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger goes to the park to play with his toy, Ducky, but Prince Wednesday doesn't like Ducky. They realize while it's fine to like different toys, they should be kind to each other even when they disagree.

  • S04E05 Jodi's First Day at School

    • September 18, 2018
    • PBS

    Jodi is nervous on her first day at a new school, so Teacher Harriet explains to Jodi that she can find something or someone she knows to help herself feel better. She spots Daniel Tiger, who is someone she knows! Daniel takes on the duties of 'First Day Friend' to help Jodi feel comfortable at her new school.

  • S04E06 Daniel Plays at Jodi's House

    • September 18, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel goes to Jodi's house after school. At first, Daniel feels a little nervous because he's never played at Jodi's house after school before. Then Daniel finds things he knows - like blueberries - to make himself feel better at Jodi's house.

  • S04E07 A New Friend at School

    • September 20, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel can't wait to race the crafty car he made at school with Prince Wednesday! But Prince Wednesday is busy playing with Jodi now. Is Prince Wednesday still Daniel's friend? Of course he is!

  • S04E08 A New Friend at the Playground

    • September 20, 2018
    • PBS

    Daniel and Miss Elaina are playing together at the park. When their new friend Jodi shows up to play, Daniel worries that Miss Elaina likes Jodi more than him, but then Daniel is reminded that they're all still friends.

  • S04E09 Daniel Visits the Dentist

    • January 7, 2019
    • PBS

    A little nervous, Daniel visits his new dentist.

  • S04E10 Daniel's First Haircut

    • January 7, 2019
    • PBS

    Nana Platypus goes with Daniel when he gets his first haircut.

  • S04E11 Daniel's Obstacle Course

    • January 8, 2019
    • PBS

    Margaret gets upset when Daniel is too fast and too loud on the obstacle course

  • S04E12 Daniel Plays in a Gentle Way

    • January 8, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends learn that sometimes it is important to play slowly and gently.

  • S04E13 Daniel Learns to Ask First

    • January 9, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel takes a spoon away from Margaret, which makes her cry.

  • S04E14 Friends Ask First

    • January 9, 2019
    • PBS

    Teacher Harriet explains that you should ask first before taking something away from someone.

  • S04E15 Jodi's Mama Travels for Work

    • May 20, 2019
    • PBS

    Jodi is sad that Dr. Platypus is going away for 3 days.

  • S04E16 The Tiger Family Babysits

    • May 20, 2019
    • PBS

    Teddy and Leo are sad that Nana is at the market.

  • S04E17 Daniel Does Gymnastics

    • May 21, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel is nervous about going to gymnastics

  • S04E18 The Big Slide

    • May 21, 2019
    • PBS

    O is scared of the big slide for the first time.

  • S04E19 Daniel's Blueberry Paws

    • May 22, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger's treat from Prince Tuesday's fruity ice treat cart starts to melt when he becomes distracted by all the other flavors.

  • S04E20 Wow at the Library

    • May 22, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel and O the Owl are enjoying a pop-up story at the library with Uncle X when O flutters off to find more books to read. X teaches O to enjoy the book they're already reading-the "wow" that's happening right now.

  • S04E21 Margaret’s Birthday Buddy

    • September 16, 2019
    • PBS

    The Tiger Family is busy preparing for Margaret’s birthday party. Daniel struggles when the attention is not on him until he figures out that he can be a “tigertastic” birthday buddy and help make Margaret's day special.

  • S04E22 Margaret’s Birthday Party

    • September 16, 2019
    • PBS

    Margaret’s birthday party is underway, and Daniel is feeling left out. Daniel remembers he can be a “grr-ific” birthday buddy, so he leads Margaret and friends in a silly panda game and an original birthday song!

  • S04E23 Find What Makes Your Family Special

    • September 17, 2019
    • PBS

    Katerina wishes she had a baby sister like Baby Margaret to play with. She learns that even though she doesn’t have a baby sister, there are other wonderful things that make her family special.

  • S04E24 Family Day

    • September 17, 2019
    • PBS

    It’s Family Day at the Neighborhood Library! Daniel learns that each family is different and special in its own way, and the Tiger Family performs a special song.

  • S04E25 Daniel Likes to Be with Dad

    • September 18, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel and Dad Tiger spend the whole day together searching for seashells, picking apples and even a special surprise. But when things don’t go as planned, Dad and Daniel remember that it doesn’t matter what they do, they just enjoy being together.

  • S04E26 Daniel Likes to Be with Mom

    • September 18, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel is thrilled to spend the day with Mom—they even turn Mom’s old wagon into a Trolley together! Although the wagon doesn’t turn out perfectly, it doesn’t matter because they’re just happy to be with one another.

  • S04E27 The Family Campout

    • September 19, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel and Dad Tiger head to the “Dad and Me” Campout, joined by his friends and their dads. When Katerina arrives with her mom, she notices that she’s the only one who brought her mom. Henrietta assures Katerina that all families are different, and that’s okay.

  • S04E28 A Game Night for Everyone

    • September 19, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel and Mom are on their way to “Mom and Me” Game Night when they run into O and X the Owl. O isn’t sure if he can go to Game Night without a mom, but Uncle X assures him that he has his uncle, who loves him very much, to bring him.

  • S04E29 Daniel’s Grr-ific Grandpere

    • September 20, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger is excited to spend the whole day with his grandpa — Grandpere! Whether they’re riding on Grandpere’s boat, sorting through his treasures or even just relaxing on the sandy shore, they love the special time they have together.

  • S04E30 Making Mozies with Nana

    • September 20, 2019
    • PBS

    Daniel Tiger spends the whole day with Jodi and her Nana. Jodi and Nana love the special things they do together, like baking sweet treats and even coloring.

  • S04E31 Daniel’s Tiger Twirl

    • January 6, 2020
    • PBS

    At the Neighborhood Carnival, Miss Elaina shows off her cartwheel trick, but when Daniel tries, he can’t do a cartwheel like the one Miss Elaina did. Dad Tiger teaches Daniel that he can do a trick his own way, the Daniel way!

  • S04E32 You Can Play Your Own Way

    • January 6, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel is playing school with Miss Elaina and Jodi, but Miss Elaina gets upset when Jodi keeps copying everything she does. The friends help Jodi realize that she has great ideas of her own, and that she should play her own way.

  • S04E33 Calm at the Restaurant

    • January 7, 2020
    • PBS

    The Tiger Family goes to the restaurant for taco night with Jodi and Dr. Plat. Daniel and Jodi find out that there are times to be silly and times to be calm.

  • S04E34 Calm in Class

    • January 7, 2020
    • PBS

    Music Man Stan comes to school for a special musical story with the class. Daniel, Katerina, and Miss Elaina learn to be calm so that everyone can enjoy the story.

  • S04E35 Mad at the Crayon Factory

    • January 8, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel returns to the Crayon Factory with O the Owl and Jodi. When Daniel gets mad that he doesn't get a crayon box right away, he takes a deep breath and realizes there are plenty of boxes for everyone.

  • S04E36 Mad at School

    • January 8, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel and O are building a cardboard car contraption at school, but when it breaks, they get mad. Once they take a deep breath and count to four, they're able to fix their contraption together.

Season 5

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Won't You Sing Along With Me?

    • August 17, 2020
    • PBS

    When Daniel learns he can’t gather with all of his neighbors at the Neighborhood Carnival this year, it leads to lots of big feelings and questions, including what to do when he misses people he loves, how to keep himself and others healthy, and how to find ways to enjoy the extra time at home with his family.

  • S05E01 Daniel's Substitute Teacher

    • August 17, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel is excited for the Spring Sing, but is hesitant to find he has a substitute teacher.

  • S05E02 Prince Wednesday's Accident

    • August 18, 2020
    • PBS

    Prince Wednesday spills paint all over his pants and the floor but feels better after telling Teacher Harriet what happened.

  • S05E03 Daniel and Miss Elaina's Kite Accident

    • August 18, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel is playing at Miss Elaina's house when they accidentally break her dad's old kite. They feel bad, but when they tell Music Man Stan what happened, he explains that accidents happen to everyone, even adults.

  • S05E04 Quiet Time at School

    • August 19, 2020
    • PBS

    It's Quiet Time at school, but Daniel and Miss Elaina don't want to stop playing with their trains. Teacher Harriet shows the kids the different ways they can settle down, like stretching, reading a book, or closing your eyes.

  • S05E05 Naptime in Blanket City

    • August 19, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel and Jodi make a pretend city out of all of the blankets in the Platypus house. When it's nap time for Teddy and Leo, Jodi finds Leo's missing blankie for him to snuggle-that's what he needs to help him rest.

  • S05E06 The Fire Drill

    • August 20, 2020
    • PBS

    At school, Teacher Harriet shows the class what to do to stay safe during a fire drill. While Daniel and his friends are playing, the fire alarm starts to ring, and the class practices their fire drill, following Teacher Harriet's instructions. The Neighborhood firefighters arrive to check on their classroom and teach the kids all about staying safe during an emergency.

  • S05E07 Daniel and Mom Go to the Market

    • August 20, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel and Mom Tiger are making a yummy breakfast at home when a mug falls and shatters. Daniel is about to help pick up the pieces, but his mom tells him to stop and listen to stay safe while she cleans up. When they go to the market afterwards, Daniel gets lost in one of the aisles. With the help of Prince Tuesday, he stops and listens, and Mom Tiger is able to find him.

  • S05E08 Daniel Waits With Dad

    • August 21, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel is excited about going to the library to get a new book, but first has to wait with Dad.

  • S05E09 Margaret's New Shoes

    • August 21, 2020
    • PBS

    Daniel can't wait to go to the playground, but first he has to go to the store to get new shoes for Margaret.

  • S05E10 Daniel's New Friend Max

    • April 5, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel meets a new friend, Max, who is autistic.

  • S05E11 A New Friend at the Clock Factory

    • April 5, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends help make Max more comfortable at Chime Time.

  • S05E12 Jodi's Asthma

    • April 6, 2021
    • PBS

    Jodi's asthma makes it hard for her to run around with her friends during a game of Splat Ball.

  • S05E13 Daniel and Max Play at the Playground

    • April 6, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel feels left out when there's no room for him to play at the xylophone.

  • S05E14 Daniel's Rocking Chair

    • April 7, 2021
    • PBS

    Teddy and Leo lose their toy cars. Since Daniel doesn't use his anymore, he gives them to the twins to enjoy. When he sees how happy they make them, Daniel decides to give Margaret his old rocking chair too.

  • S05E15 Prince Wednesday Gives Away His Book

    • April 7, 2021
    • PBS

    The Royal Family donates used books to the library so Daniel and the other neighbors can enjoy them as well. Later, Daniel chooses to give away his special binoculars to Prince Wednesday.

  • S05E16 Daniel Does It Himself

    • April 8, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel wants to go play in the snow, but Dad Tiger says he must wait until it is time to get up.

  • S05E17 Daniel Learns to Swing

    • April 8, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel wants to swing as high as Jodi at the playground.

  • S05E18 Margaret's First Thank You Day

    • August 16, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel can’t wait to show Margaret all of the things they can do to celebrate Thank You Day at the Enchanted Garden! However, when Margaret gets sick and has to leave early, Daniel decides to bring Thank You Day back to Margaret instead.

  • S05E19 Daniel Goes to the Hospital

    • August 17, 2021
    • PBS

    When Daniel is feeling a little nervous for his first trip to the hospital, Mom and Dad Tiger prepare him for his new experience. After he arrives, Daniel meets a doctor and nurse who put him at ease and help him get better.

  • S05E20 Prince Tuesday Goes to College

    • August 18, 2021
    • PBS

    Prince Tuesday is packing because he’s moving away to college. Daniel and Prince Wednesday will miss playing with him every day!

  • S05E21 Daniel Misses Grandpere

    • August 18, 2021
    • PBS

    Grandpere gives Daniel a photo to look at when they’re apart.

  • S05E22 Tiger Family Lunch

    • August 19, 2021
    • PBS

    When joining Mom Tiger for a picnic, Daniel gets distracted playing instead of sitting down for lunch.

  • S05E23 Dinnertime at Jodi's

    • August 19, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel helps make pan pans for dinner at the Platypus house. When Jodi is distracted by her toy, she almost misses out on the fun!

  • S05E24 Daniel and Miss Elaina Bake Pretzels

    • August 20, 2021
    • PBS

    Daniel and Miss Elaina bake pretzels together at the bakery!

  • S05E25 O Gives Daniel Space

    • August 20, 2021
    • PBS

    O sits too close to Daniel while the friends are playing library at O’s treehouse. X the Owl tells Daniel it is okay to ask for space!

  • S05E26 The Neighborhood Snowstorm

    • January 10, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends have to leave school early because there's a big snowstorm headed their way. Daniel is feeling frightened, but the grown-ups in his life are there to keep him safe. Later, when a pipe bursts at the Tiger House, Daniel knows there are grown-ups and neighbors to take care of him.

  • S05E27 Daniel Listens to Dad

    • January 11, 2022

    While playing with his fishies, Daniel doesn't listen when Dad Tiger tells him it is time to go to the Music Shop.

  • S05E28 Daniel and Katerina Listen to Each Other

    • January 11, 2022

    Daniel wants to put on a show at Katerina's house.

  • S05E29 Margaret Gets All the Attention

    • January 12, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel gets upset when Mom Tiger gives her attention to Margaret instead of him

  • S05E30 Prince Tuesday Visits

    • January 12, 2022
    • PBS

    Prince Wednesday gets upset when Daniel pays more attention to Prince Tuesday

  • S05E31 Jodi's Lemonade Stand

    • May 16, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel and his friends set up a lemonade stand.

  • S05E32 Daniel Remembers What He Needs

    • May 16, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel repeats his checklist out loud so he remembers everything he needs for school.

  • S05E33 Daniel Follows the Rules at the Pool

    • May 17, 2022
    • PBS

    After Daniel runs and slips at the neighborhood pool, he remembers the rules so he can stay safe.

  • S05E34 Daniel's First Swim Class

    • May 17, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel is afraid to put his face in the water at his first swim class.

  • S05E35 Disappointed at the Pool

    • May 18, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel is disappointed that he is not allowed to use his new toy float in the neighborhood pool.

  • S05E36 Disappointed at the Farm

    • May 18, 2022
    • PBS

    Daniel and Miss Elaina visit Ducky at the farm.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Daniel Visits a New Neighborhood

    • June 20, 2022

    Daniel and Mom go on a trip to visit Mom Tiger’s friend and her family, including her young son and Daniel’s pen pal, Juan Carlos. Daniel gets to take his very first train ride as he leaves the Neighborhood of Make-Believe for the first time and learns helpful new strategies for traveling and being away from home. He also discovers what makes Juan Carlos’ family and neighborhood so special – and even learns some grr-ific Spanish phrases.

Season 6

Season 7

  • S07E01 Something New About Trolley

    • August 12, 2024

    There's something new about Trolley, and Daniel is so excited to find out what it is! As he waits, he learns new things about his friends.

  • S07E02 Daniel Asks What Friends Like

    • August 13, 2024

    Teacher Harriet helps Daniel make a chart to ask his friends how they like to say hello.

  • S07E03 Miss Elaina's Space Restaurant

    • August 13, 2024

    When Miss Elaina and Katerina play together, they ask each other how they like to play. Sometimes they like different things.

  • S07E04 Daniel Doesn't Want to Miss Out

    • August 14, 2024

    Daniel has to go potty, but is worried there won't be space for his sea turtle on the class mural when he's done in the bathroom.

  • S07E05 Cousins at the Castle

    • August 14, 2024

    Prince Wednesday needs to get dressed before he can go outside to see the butterflies and play with Chrissie.

  • S07E06 Daniel and O Make Deliveries

    • August 15, 2024

    When Daniel and O are playing post office, their wagon breaks. They look around and find something else to use.

  • S07E07 Jodi Makes a Boat with Max

    • August 15, 2024

    Jodi and Nana see Teacher Harriet and Max playing with a homemade boat. Jodi uses things she finds in nature to make one, too.

  • S07E08 Daniel and Mom Make a Treat

    • January 6, 2025

    Daniel is upset when he can't make banana swirl, but Mom shows him another snack they can make together.

  • S07E09 Jodi Sleeps at Her Dad's House

    • January 6, 2025

    When a backyard campout is rained out at Jodi's dad's house, they find they can still have a special night being together.

  • S07E10 Daniel Does It His Way

    • January 7, 2025

    Daniel is sad when he can't make footprints in the snow like Prince Wednesday. Instead, he makes them his own way.

  • S07E11 Katerina and O Go Ice Skating

    • January 7, 2025

    Katerina is upset when she can't read like O. She learns she can read the story in her own way by describing the pictures.

  • S07E12 Daniel and Dad Say Sorry

    • January 8, 2025

    Daniel runs into Grandpere’s house with dirty shoes and makes a mess. Daniel says sorry and helps Grandpere clean up.

  • S07E13 O The Owl Says Sorry

    • January 8, 2025

    O and Miss Elaina are playing with her robot when O accidentally breaks it. O says sorry and helps Miss Elaina fix it.

  • S07E14 Daniel Finds Out What's Fair

    • January 9, 2025

    Daniel wants to ride in the stroller to the Music Shop, but Dad shows him that Margaret needs it.

  • S07E15 O Finds Out What's Fair

    • January 9, 2025

    O wants to sit in the front of Trolley, but Jodi gets carsick in the back. O realizes that he doesn't need the front seat like she does.