Episode chronicling the daring raid by 617 Squadron against the Möhne, Eder and Sorpe dams on the Ruhr River on May 17, 1943. Weapons inventor Barnes Wallis developed a 4 200 kg (9,250 lb) spherical bomb filled 3 000 kg (6,600 lb) of Torpex explosive. Torpex was a compound explosive comprising of; 42% RDX. 40% TNT and 18% Aluminum powder. Torpex was one of the most powerful of the military explosives then available, and was poured warm into the mine casings before setting, not unlike a heavy wax. Torpex was a perfect material for the "Upkeep" bomb. Torpex generated a much higher shock-wave effect to topple a dam's wall. After developing this ordinance, Wallis had the laborious task of creating a practical delivery system. Working close with 617 Squadron Commander Guy Gibson, Wallis and 617 Squadron developed ingenious ways to overcome problems in; attacking dams, at night and at near suicidal low altitudes. Operation "Chastise" was launched on May 17th, 1943 by 617 Squadron. Nineteen Lancasters were to attack in 3 formations. Formation 1 attacked the Möhne Dam. After several attacks, including Cmdr. Guy Gibson, the dam's walls were breached. Formation 2 attacked the Eder Dam. The Eder dam's wall was breached. The most difficult of the dams to breach would be the Sorpe Dam. After several attacks the dam wall held. Eight planes, with 53 air crewman were killed. Approximately 1,294 people on the ground were killed. The effect on German war production was minimal. The Ruhr was operating at 100%, after 5 weeks. Food production was seriously affected by the raid.