As Seiko is confronted by Sonosuke and Ruruka, she recalls how her friendship with Ruruka became soured over the years. Just as Ruruka is cornered, she deduces Seiko's forbidden action, letting someone step on her shadow. Meanwhile, Juzo confronts Makoto and Aoi while Kazuo tells Kyosuke who attacker is, stabbing his eye before he finishes him off. When Yasuhiro, stuck outside of the building following the initial attack, is attacked by a helicopter, the explosion reveals a hidden secret entrance which Sonosuke discovers. Rejecting Ruruka's offer to kill Kyosuke in exchange for her life, Seiko takes more drugs and destroys all the lights in the room, pursuing Ruruka until she gets knocked out by Miaya's weapons. Regretting that she couldn't save anyone, Seiko is killed following the next time limit.
Mientras Seiko se enfrenta a Sonosuke y Ruruka, recuerda cómo su amistad con Ruruka se agrió con los años. Justo cuando Ruruka está acorralada, deduce la acción prohibida de Seiko, dejando que alguien pise su sombra. Mientras tanto, Juzo se enfrenta a Makoto y Aoi mientras Kazuo le dice a Kyosuke quién es el atacante, apuñalando su ojo antes de que lo termine.
Mentre Seiko insegue Sonosuke e Ruruka, ricorda come nel corso degli anni la sua amicizia con Ruruka si è sgretolata.
Yasuhiro, der nach dem ersten Angriff außerhalb des Gebäudes festsitzt, wird von einem Hubschrauber angegriffen. Eine Explosion offenbart einen versteckten Eingang, der ihn in das Innere des Gebäudes eindringen lässt. Seiko lehnt Rurukas Angebot ab, Kyosuke im Austausch für ihr Leben zu töten, nimmt noch mehr Drogen und zerstört jede Beleuchtung im Raum. Kann sie noch jemand aufhalten?
O jogo distorcido de Monokuma continua enquanto Makoto tenta restaurar o pouco equilíbrio que ainda resta para a Fundação do Futuro. Os membros da Fundação do Futuro estão presos e continuam batalhando pela sobrevivência. Qual será o plano de Monokuma?
Alors que Seiko est confrontée à Sonosuke et Ruruka, elle se souvient de la façon dont son amitié avec Ruruka s'est détériorée au fil des ans.