Lenalees Zustand verschlechtert sich und Lavi weiß, dass er sie zur sofortigen Behandlung nach Bookman bringen muss; seine kühne Rettung einer Jungfrau in Not könnte ihn jedoch seine Unschuld kosten.
Lavi races against time to try and make it to Bookman's location to cure Lenalee's illness, and in the canyons saves a young maid from an akuma. The maid is actually Mimi, who plots to steal Lavi's Innocence and kill them both. Luck doesn't seem to be on her side, Lavi always managed to directly or indirectly stop her from stealing his weapon. Lenalee's condition is worsening, and she tells Lavi to leave her but he refuses. The situation stirs up memories in Mimi of her own creation, and she becomes more determined to finish the mission and see Lulubell smile. She finally manages to steal Lavi's Innocence and attempts to kill the two exorcists, but Bookman's arrival turns the favour back on the exorcists' side. A defeated Mimi returns to Lulubell, who decides not to dismiss her. That is all it takes for Mimi to smile once more.
Lavi tente de rejoindre Bookman pour qu'il soigne Lenalee, gravement malade suite à l'attaque de Lulubell qui les a séparée d'Allen et Krowy. En chemin, il secoure une servante attaquée par un Akuma sans savoir qui se cache réellement derrière ce déguisement.
Lavi corre contra el tiempo para tratar de llegar a la ubicación de Bookman para curar la enfermedad de Lenalee, y en los cañones salva a una joven sirvienta de un akuma. La criada es en realidad Mimi, que planea robar la Inocencia de Lavi y matarlos a ambos. La suerte no parece estar de su lado, Lavi siempre se las arregló para evitar directa o indirectamente que ella robara su arma.