When the brawlers decided to go to sleep, especially after Roaracryst's big battle, the Marukas takes over Kouchu's mind in his sleep with "Mind Controller Collar" so they can get the Crystal Balls. The device have worked on Kouchu, and he was able to listen to any of the Maruka's orders. While he is obeying the Maruka's orders, Roaracryst, Shauna, and Sakuro wakes up to discover that Kouchu "escaped" from the shelter. Roaracryst, Shauna, and Sakuro decided to find him and save him by the Marukas. The Marukas were close of getting the Crystal Balls with Kouchu so they can rule the world, but Roaracryst was able to find and save him by covering the Marukas with webs.