With all access to Jinto -- imprisoned by Baron Febdash -- cut off, a desperate and now-armed Lafiel is left with only one option: storm the space station's housekeeping control center.
The baron quickly closes in after learning of her actions but leaves almost immediately in a huff because one of his servants has joined forces with Lafiel and has had the nerve to speak out against him.
Now left questioning the loyalty of all his vassals, Febdash is further incensed by a message that suddenly goes out over the intercom and by his inability to interrupt it. It explains that his actions have jeopardized the princess's mission, and that Lafiel's royal family will hire anyone wishing to aid her cause.
The baron still has one trick up his sleeve, however, one that will ensure Lafiel will never be able to complete the task given to her aboard the Gosroth. In response, she decides to destroy Baron Febdash, although her vessel has no weapons.
As an Abh, Lafiel would rather fight than surrender
Rafiel embarque sur un bateau de liaison et se dirige vers la cellule d'emprisonnement de l'ancien baron. Rafiel sauve Zint et l'ancien baron en traversant l'espace vide, mais Febdash ne tarde pas à riposter. Dans un bateau de liaison désarmé, Rafiel déclare qu'il combattra le vaisseau spatial de Febdash.