Kei invites Misae and Shin-chan to a fashion show, where Shin-chan is chosen by a fashion designer as a last-minute substitute for a child model who is ill. Shin-chan gets nervous and ruins the fashion show.
As the year comes to an end, Shin-chan’s class is supposed to clean the school today, but Shin-chan has his own unique approach.
Shin-chan has a conversation with his friends in the park about the New Year's eve bell. He stays awake till 12 am to hear the bell and then falls asleep.
Por casualidad, Shin chan hace de modelo en un desfile de ropa. En la guardería es el día de la limpieza pero Shin chan no deja que avancen. Shin chan quiere estar despierto hasta medianoche para oír las campanadas de año nuevo pero se duerme.